2.14 Table of ODE’s with Lie symmetry and symgen output, Linear symmetries only. Second order ode’s

2.14.1 Problems 1 to 100
2.14.2 Problems 101 to 200
2.14.3 Problems 201 to 300
2.14.4 Problems 301 to 400
2.14.5 Problems 401 to 500
2.14.6 Problems 501 to 600
2.14.7 Problems 601 to 700
2.14.8 Problems 701 to 800
2.14.9 Problems 801 to 900
2.14.10 Problems 901 to 1000
2.14.11 Problems 1001 to 1100
2.14.12 Problems 1101 to 1200
2.14.13 Problems 1201 to 1300
2.14.14 Problems 1301 to 1400
2.14.15 Problems 1401 to 1500
2.14.16 Problems 1501 to 1600
2.14.17 Problems 1601 to 1700
2.14.18 Problems 1701 to 1800
2.14.19 Problems 1801 to 1900
2.14.20 Problems 1901 to 2000
2.14.21 Problems 2001 to 2100
2.14.22 Problems 2101 to 2200
2.14.23 Problems 2201 to 2300
2.14.24 Problems 2301 to 2400
2.14.25 Problems 2401 to 2500
2.14.26 Problems 2501 to 2600
2.14.27 Problems 2601 to 2700
2.14.28 Problems 2701 to 2800
2.14.29 Problems 2801 to 2900
2.14.30 Problems 2901 to 2993

This section lists all ode’s of second order in the database which Maple gave type as Lie linear symmetries with the symgen output of the transformation \(\xi (x,y),\eta (x,y)\) and the corresponding canonical transformation to the new coordinates \(r,s(r)\) (which is other places are written as \(X,Y(X)\). In otherwords, given the coordinates \(x,y(x)\), applying Lie transformation gives the coordinates \(r,s(r)\) in which the ode becomes quadrature and easily solved. Maple uses \(r,s(r)\) for \(X,Y(X)\). The transformation is given by \begin {align*} r(x,y) & =x+\epsilon \xi \left ( x,y\right ) \\ s(x,y) & =y+\epsilon \eta \left ( x,y\right ) \end {align*}

See this for more information about using Lie symmetry to solving odes.