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University Course

Math 501

Advanced Numerical Analysis and Computing

California state university, Fullerton

Spring, 2007

My Class Notes

Nasser M. Abbasi

Spring, 2007   Compiled on August 15, 2021 at 4:04am  [public]

1 Introduction
 1.1 Text book
 1.2 course description
 1.3 Syllabus
2 my typed lecture notes
 2.1 Introduction
 2.2 Lecture monday April 17 2007
 2.3 Second lecture
 2.4 Mathematics Colloquium notes
3 study notes
 3.1 Section 1.1
 3.2 Taylor expansion with Lagrange remainder
 3.3 Section 1.2 Order of convergence, linear, superlinear, quadratic
 3.4 Section 1.3. difference equations, characteristic polynomial, simple and repeated roots, analytic solution and stability
 3.5 Section 3.1 Bisection
 3.6 Section 3.2 Newton root finding
 3.7 Section 7.1 Numerical differentiation and Richardson extrapolation
4 HWs
 4.1 lookup table
 4.2 HW 1
 4.3 HW 2
 4.4 HW 3
 4.5 HW 4
 4.6 HW 5
 4.7 HW 6
 4.8 HW 7
 4.9 HW 8
 4.10 HW 9
 4.11 HW 10
 4.12 HW 11
 4.13 HW 12