7.49 BUG in dsolve in Maple V.4 (13.12.96)

7.49.1 Stanley J Houghton

This is a very much simplified version of a problem that indicates a bug in dsolve. I am running vn 4 on a Pentium PC under Windows 3.x

The simplified version makes it easier to understand.

> dsolve(diff(z(t),t) = int(y(u),u = 0 .. t), z(t)); 
   z(t) = 1/2*y(u)*t^2+_C1 
> diff(%,t); 
   diff(z(t),t) = y(u)*t

Certainly the integration variable 'u' should not appear anywhere in the result and, as shown above, if I differentiate the error is even more obvious.

The bug is removed with Maple V Release 5. (U. Klein)

7.49.2 Dan Dubois

Is any more information about \(y(u)\) known? Maple is treating \(y(u)\) as a constant when dsolve() is applied.

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> dsolve(diff(z(t),t) = int(y(u),u = 0 .. t), z(t)); 
                            z(t) = 1/2 y(u) t  + _C1

If instead we were to use a variable a:

> dsolve(diff(z(t),t) = int(a,u = 0 .. t), z(t)); 
                             z(t) = 1/2 a t  + _C1

If however y(u) were defined:

> y(u):=u^3; 
                                   y(u) := u 
> dsolve(diff(z(t),t) = int(y(u),u = 0 .. t), z(t)); 
                              z(t) = 1/20 t  + _C1

I will however report this problem to our Math developers to investigate further.

7.49.3 Stanley J Houghton

I feel y(u) is clearly a funtion of a variable u and int(y(u),u=0..t) is clearly a function of t, although Maple certainly appears to be evaluating


incorrectly to

     y(u) * t

I think this is unreasonable and an error. Maple doesn’t evaluated the integral above wrongly in any other context. If the form of y is unknown, the integral should surely remain unevaluated. There is something wrong with Maple’s interpretation of int(y(u),u=0..t) in this context but I am not sure what.

7.49.4 Douglas B. Meade

While Stanley Houghton admits that his problem is a "very much simplified version" of the real problem of interest, I hope the following comments are of use.

Here is the original problem

> ODE1 := diff( z(t), t ) = Int( y(u), u=0..t ); 
                            d          | 
                    ODE1 := -- z(t) =  |   y(u) du 
                            dt         | 

and the solution obtained using Release 4

> dsolve( ODE1, z(t) ); 
                            |                    2 
             z(t) = y(u) t  |   1 du - 1/2 y(u) t  + _C1 

Note that the original problem can be written in a more traditional form by differentiating the equation

> ODE2 := diff( ODE1, t ); 
                       ODE2 := --- z(t) = y(t) 

Using the fact that D(y)(0)=0, Maple reports the solution:

> dsolve( { ODE2, D(z)(0)=0 }, z(t) ); 
                       t                t 
                      /                / 
                     |                | 
            z(t) = - |   u y(u) du +  |   y(u) du t + _C1 
                     |                | 
                    /                / 
                      0                0

This is, presumably, closer to what Stan would like to see.

It would seem to me that dsolve could reasonably apply transformations that convert the input argument into a form that can be handled. Of course, I can see situations where these transformation would not be appropriate, or other problems might arise.

7.49.5 Joe Riel

As a workaround you can convert the integro-differential equation to a pure differential equation,

deq := diff(z(t),t) = int(y(u),u=0..t): 
initcond := eval(subs(t=0, convert(deq,D))): 
                       t                t 
                      /                / 
                     |                | 
            z(t) = - |   u y(u) du +  |   y(u) du t + _C1 
                     |                | 
                    /                / 
                      0                0 
subs(%,deq): %; 
                        t              t 
                       /              / 
                      |              | 
                      |   y(u) du =  |   y(u) du 
                      |              | 
                     /              / 
                       0              0

7.49.6 Stanley J Houghton

Many thanks for the suggestion. I can indeed apply your workround to the original problem and get the correct result.

I have also discovered that I get the same result if I use Laplace mode in dsolve and, again, the result is correct if I solve


and then evaluate the result after assigning


However, the important issue is the way ’frontend’ handles functions of the form int(y(u),u=0..t) for it is in frontend (used within 'dsolve') that the misinterpretation occurs. It tries to freeze \(y(u)\) independent of the second argument to int. As a result, the problem extends to other activities involving such functions.

This has been passed back to Maple who are considering it carefully. I am sure there are other ramifications.

7.49.7 Robert Israel

Stanley J Houghton wrote:

> dsolve(diff(z(t),t) = int(y(u),u = 0 .. t), z(t)); 
   z(t) = 1/2*y(u)*t^2+_C1

Yes, certainly it’s a bug. I guess "dsolve" doesn’t expect unevaluated integrals in the equations.

As a workaround, I would use something like this:

> dsolve(diff(z(t),t) = Y(t), z(t)); 
                            z(t) =  |  Y(t) dt + _C1 
> subs(Y(t)=int(y(u),u=0..t), %); 
                                 /   / 
                                |   | 
                        z(t) =  |   |  y(u) du dt + _C1 
                                |   | 
                               /   / 
> diff(%,t); 
                              d          | 
                            ---- z(t) =  |  y(u) du 
                             dt          | 