7.30 bug in [detools,dchangevar] in maple v.4 (8.9.97)

7.30.1 Georges Thomas
> with(DEtools,Dchangevar): 
> de := 'diff'(sin(x)*diff(f(x),x),x)/sin(x) ; 
> collect(simplify(Dchangevar({x = arccos(y), f(x)=F(y)}, de, x,y)),diff) ;

Maple R4 answers:

         -y*diff(F(y),y)  + (1-y^2)*diff(F(y),y$2) ;

I expected:

          -2*y*diff(F(y),y)+ (1-y^2)*diff(F(y),y$2) ;

In the online help about Dchangevar, the first example in "Examples/Additional examples" gives:

> de := diff(y(x),x$2) = y(x)*diff(y(x),x)/x ; 
> Dchangevar({x=exp(t),y(x)=Y(t)},de,x,t) ;

Maple answers, after some simplication:

             diff(Y(t),t$2) = Y(t)*diff(Y(t),t) ;

Answer expected:

             diff(Y(t),t$2) = (Y(t)+1)*diff(Y(t),t) ;

It seems that Dchangevar mistakes if the order of the differential equation is >=2 and if the change of variable is not linear.

Is there a bug in Maple or in my mind?

The bug is removed in Maple V Release 5. (U. Klein)

7.30.2 Edgardo S. Cheb-Terrab (9.9.97)

As an alternative, you can use PDEtools[dchange], which is able to perform non-linear changes of variables and also in PDEs. In your example,

> de := 'diff'(sin(x)*diff(f(x),x),x)/sin(x) ; 
> tr := {x = arccos(y), f(x)=F(y)}; 
                  tr := {x = arccos(y), f(x) = F(y)} 
> normal(dchange(tr,de)); 
              / 2      \                      / 2      \ 
              |d       |  2     /d      \     |d       | 
             -|--- F(y)| y  - 2 |-- F(y)| y + |--- F(y)| 
              |  2     |        \dy     /     |  2     | 
              \dy      /                      \dy      /

PDEtools is a package distributed in the Share Library of Maple R4. The last version of PDEtools is found at

http://lie.uwaterloo.ca/pdetools.html (Canada)


http://dft.if.uerj.br/pdetools.html (Brazil)

7.30.3 Preben Alsholm (10.9.97)

I get the same as you do! There must be a bug in Dchangevar.

7.30.4 Juergen Boehm (11.9.97)

I checked the variable transformation with a procedure of my own ( vsubs ) and could confirm the supposed results of G. Thomas and also reproduce the wrong answers that Dchangevar gave :

> vsubs([y],[x=arccos(y)],[f(x)=F(y)],diff(sin(x)*diff(f(x),x),x)/sin(x)); 
|                      2 1/2 /d      \ 
|-cos(arccos(y)) (1 - y )    |-- F(y)| - 
|                            \dy     / 
                               //d      \                           \ 
                               ||-- F(y)| y               / 2      \| 
                         2 1/2 |\dy     /           2 1/2 |d       || 
    sin(arccos(y)) (1 - y )    |----------- - (1 - y )    |--- F(y)|| 
                               |      2 1/2               |  2     || 
                               \(1 - y )                  \dy      // 
> simplify(%); 
              / 2      \                      / 2      \ 
              |d       |  2     /d      \     |d       | 
             -|--- F(y)| y  - 2 |-- F(y)| y + |--- F(y)| 
              |  2     |        \dy     /     |  2     | 
              \dy      /                      \dy      / 
> with(DEtools,Dchangevar); 
> Dchangevar({x=arccos(y),f(x)=F(y)},diff(sin(x)*diff(f(x),x),x)/sin(x),x,y); 
|                      2 1/2 /d      \ 
|-cos(arccos(y)) (1 - y )    |-- F(y)| 
|                            \dy     / 
                               / 2      \\ 
                            2  |d       || 
     + sin(arccos(y)) (1 - y ) |--- F(y)||/sin(arccos(y)) 
                               |  2     || 
                               \dy      // 
> simplify(%); 
                             / 2      \   / 2      \ 
               /d      \     |d       |   |d       |  2 
              -|-- F(y)| y + |--- F(y)| - |--- F(y)| y 
               \dy     /     |  2     |   |  2     | 
                             \dy      /   \dy      / 
> vsubs([t],[x=exp(t)],[y(x)=Y(t)],diff(y(x),x,x)-y(x)*diff(y(x),x)/x); 
        /                             / 2      \\ 
        |         /d      \           |d       || 
exp(-t) |-exp(-t) |-- Y(t)| + exp(-t) |--- Y(t)|| 
        |         \dt     /           |  2     || 
        \                             \dt      // 
                    /d      \ 
       Y(t) exp(-t) |-- Y(t)| 
                    \dt     / 
     - ---------------------- 
> simplify(%); 
                                 / 2      \ 
           /d      \             |d       | 
-exp(-2 t) |-- Y(t)| + exp(-2 t) |--- Y(t)| 
           \dt     /             |  2     | 
                                 \dt      / 
            /d      \ 
     - Y(t) |-- Y(t)| exp(-2 t) 
            \dt     / 
> Dchangevar({x=exp(t),y(x)=Y(t)},diff(y(x),x,x)-y(x)*diff(y(x),x)/x,x,t); 
                      --- Y(t)        /d      \ 
                        2        Y(t) |-- Y(t)| 
                      dt              \dt     / 
                      -------- - -------------- 
                            2             2 
                      exp(t)        exp(t)

7.30.5 Yuri Muzychka (12.9.97)

I have noticed the bug in DEtools a long time ago. I had sent Maple a worksheet summarizing where the bug occurs, but never received any follow up.

If I recall, what I had observed was that DEtools did not know how to apply the chain rule properly.

I discovered this while trying to get maple to perform the same set of calculations I had done on paper. Had the change of variable worked properly, I would have reduced my ODE to one which has the hypergeometric function as a solution. Otherwise, Maple could not solve it. I was trying to reproduce some work I had found in a paper I was using for my research.