2.1  some study notes

  2.1.1  questions
  2.1.2  notes
  2.1.3  agenda

2.1.1  questions

  1. To find \(\left \vert H\left ( \omega \right ) \right \vert \) it might easier to use the relation that \(\left \vert H\left ( \omega \right ) \right \vert ^{2}=H\left ( \omega \right ) H^{\ast }\left ( \omega \right ) \) this is true when \(h\left ( n\right ) \) is real. can I also use it when input is real? see book page 320
  2. need to learn better how to find fourier transform for periodic discrete signal. for example, if \(f\left ( x\right ) =x^{2}\) then we get \(F\left ( u\right ) =\) \(\sum _{n=0}^{N-1}x^{2}e^{-j2\pi \frac{u}{N}x}\)  how to evaluate this?

    only tricks I know are to use geometric series sum, \(\sum _{n=0}^{N-1}a^{n}=\left \{ \begin{array} [c]{ccc}\frac{1-a^{N}}{1-a} & & a\neq 1\\ N & & a=1 \end{array} \right . \) this is if I can get the terms inside the sum to have the form \(a^{n}\) and the other trick is if I can express \(f\left ( x\right ) \) itself in terms of \(e^{j2\pi }\), this happens if \(f\left ( x\right ) \) is a trignomtric function.

  3. Should we used normalized \(H(z)\) or leave it unnormalized? see question 4.51, HW 5 for example. if we do not normalize it, we are left with \(b_{0}\) term?
  4. Ask how did the book find the phase of \(H(\omega )=\frac{1}{3}(e^{j\omega }+1+e^{-j\omega })\) to be \(0\) for 0\(\leq \omega \leq \frac{2\pi }{3}\) and \(\pi \) for \(\frac{2\pi }{3}\leq \omega <\pi \)

2.1.2  notes

an analog signal is written as \(A\cos \left ( 2\pi Ft+\theta \right ) \) where \(F\) is cycles per second.

A discrete signal is written as \(A\cos \left ( 2\pi fn+\theta \right ) \) where \(f\) is in samples per second.

(this should be cycle per second?, check)

\(f=\frac{F}{F_{s}}\) where \(F_{s}\) is the sample rate in samples per second and \(F\) is the frequency of the discrete signal in cycles per sample.

To avoid aliasing we must have \(f<\left \vert 1/2\right \vert \) cycles per sample. And since \(f=\frac{F}{F_{s}}\) then this means \(F_{s}>2F\) to avoid aliasing. To determine if aliasing exist given an analog signal and a sample rate, find \(f\) and see if it is \(<1/2\). example:

Given \(x_{a}\left ( t\right ) =\cos (2\pi 10t)\) and \(F_{s}=40\) samples/sec, then convert to discrete signal and find \(f.\) \(x\left ( n\right ) =\cos (2\pi 10(nT))=\cos (2\pi 10(n\frac{1}{F_{s}}))=\cos (2\pi 10(n\frac{1}{40}))=\cos (2\pi \frac{1}{4}n)\) hence \(f=\frac{1}{4}\) cycles per sample. and since this is \(<1/2\), then no aliasing exist.

An analog sinisoidal signal is always periodic, but a discrete sinosoidal signal may not be. To detrermine, find \(f\) of the discrete signal and if \(f\) is rational number, then periodic. To find fundemental period, bring \(f\) to lowest terms (relative primes) and this will be the fundemental period.

A signal can be multi-dimensional and multi-channel. \(f\left ( x,y\right ) \) multi-dimension, and \(f\left ( x\right ) =\left [ \begin{array} [c]{c}f_{1}\left ( x\right ) \\ f_{2}\left ( x\right ) \end{array} \right ] \) is multi-channel, one dimension.

Learned linearity tests. \(L\left [ a_{1}x_{1}\left ( n\right ) +a_{2}x_{2}\left ( n\right ) \right ] =L\left [ a_{1}x_{1}\left ( n\right ) ]+L[a_{2}x_{2}\left ( n\right ) \right ] \) if these are the same, then system is linear.

\(\delta (n)=\left \{ \begin{array} [c]{cc}1 & n=0\\ & \\ 0 & otherwise \end{array} \right . \)  this is called a unit SAMPLE

\(u(n)=\left \{ \begin{array} [c]{cc}1 & n\geq 0\\ & \\ 0 & otherwise \end{array} \right . \)  this is called a unit STEP

\(u(n)={\displaystyle \sum \limits _{k=-\infty }^{k=\infty }} \delta (n)\)

\(\delta (n)=u(n)-u(n-1)\)

any signal \(x(n)\) can be written as \(x(n)={\displaystyle \sum \limits _{k=-\infty }^{k=\infty }} x(k)\ \delta (n-k)\)

To find \(\left \vert H\left ( \omega \right ) \right \vert \) it might easier to use the relation that \(\left \vert H\left ( \omega \right ) \right \vert ^{2}=H\left ( \omega \right ) H^{\ast }\left ( \omega \right ) \) this is true when \(h\left ( n\right ) \) is real. can I also use it when input is real? Also, if I have the \(Z\) transform, I can use \(\left \vert H\left ( \omega \right ) \right \vert ^{2}=H\left ( z\right ) H\left ( z^{-1}\right ) |_{z=e^{jw}}\) i.e. multiply the z transforms as shown, and do everything in terms of z (easier) then at the end replace z by e\(^{jw}\)

2.1.3  agenda

  1. sunday nov 28, 2004. working on last HW, HW6. Very long...
  2. saturday nov 20, 2004. 8:50 PM. currently working on last HW for 152A and 203A
  3. sunday nov 14, 2004. 9:40 AM. finsihed problem 1 for HW 5 for ECE 203A. coding mostly.
  4. Sunday Nov 14, 2004. 4 AM. finsihed HW 5 for DSP. make a questions section to collect questions I needed answered. Use Geometrical argument for location of poles and zeros and coming up with \(H\left ( z\right ) \) since it seems more natural.
  5. Nov 12, 2004. Working on HW5. Forgot how to find the phase of transfer function.
  6. No lecture on thursday Nov 11, 2004. Veternes day. I have been using Mathematica more now. it is worth learning it.
  7. Oct5,2004. Lecture day. Talk about Nyquist and sampling theorm. How to convert discrete signal back to analog using the sinc function.
  8. Oct 4, 2004. Monday. 10 PM. Finished HW1, started this note file to record notes on each chapter as I go so I use them to study from the exam.