25 Wave PDE in 3D Spherical coordinates

25.1 No initial and no boundary conditions given


25.1 No initial and no boundary conditions given

problem number 166

Added Jan 10, 2019.

Solve for \(u(r,\theta ,\phi ,t)\) the wave PDE in 3D

\[ u_{tt} = c^2 \nabla ^2 u \]

Using the Physics convention for Spherical coordinates system.


ClearAll[u, t, r, theta, phi]; 
 lap = Laplacian[u[r, theta, phi, t], {r, theta, phi}, "Spherical"]; 
 pde = D[u[r, theta, phi, t], {t, 2}] == c^2*lap; 
 sol = AbsoluteTiming[TimeConstrained[DSolve[pde, u[r, theta, phi, t], {r, theta, phi, t}, Assumptions -> {0 < theta < Pi}], 60*10]];

\[ \text {Failed} \]


u:='u';t:='t'; theta:='theta';phi:='phi';r:='r'; 
lap:=VectorCalculus:-Laplacian( u(r,theta,phi,t), 'spherical'[r,theta,phi] ); 
pde:= diff(u(r,theta,phi,t),t$2)= c^2* lap; 
cpu_time := timelimit(60*10,CodeTools[Usage](assign('sol',pdsolve(pde,u(r,theta,phi,t),'build') assuming 0<theta,theta<Pi),output='realtime')); 
sol := simplify(sol);

\[ u \left ( r,\theta ,\phi ,t \right ) ={\frac {\sqrt {2}{{\rm e}^{1/2\, \left ( -\pi -2\,\phi \right ) \sqrt {{\it \_c}_{{3}}}-\sqrt {{\it \_c}_{{4}}}t}} \left ( \sin \left ( \theta \right ) \right ) ^{i\sqrt {{\it \_c}_{{3}}}} \left ( {{\rm e}^{2\,\sqrt {{\it \_c}_{{4}}}t}}{\it \_C7}+{\it \_C8} \right ) \left ( {{\rm e}^{2\,\sqrt {{\it \_c}_{{3}}}\phi }}{\it \_C5}+{\it \_C6} \right ) }{\sqrt {r}} \left ( {\it \_C2}\,\BesselY \left ( 1/2\,\sqrt {{\frac {{c}^{2}-4\,{\it \_c}_{{1}}}{{c}^{2}}}},{\frac {\sqrt {-{\it \_c}_{{4}}}r}{c}} \right ) +{\it \_C1}\,\BesselJ \left ( 1/2\,\sqrt {{\frac {{c}^{2}-4\,{\it \_c}_{{1}}}{{c}^{2}}}},{\frac {\sqrt {-{\it \_c}_{{4}}}r}{c}} \right ) \right ) \left ( {\mbox {$_2$F$_1$}(-1/4\,{\frac {-2\,\sqrt {-{\it \_c}_{{3}}}c+\sqrt {{c}^{2}-4\,{\it \_c}_{{1}}}-3\,c}{c}},1/4\,{\frac {2\,\sqrt {-{\it \_c}_{{3}}}c+\sqrt {{c}^{2}-4\,{\it \_c}_{{1}}}+3\,c}{c}};\,3/2;\,1/2\,\cos \left ( 2\,\theta \right ) +1/2)}\cos \left ( \theta \right ) {\it \_C3}+{\mbox {$_2$F$_1$}(-1/4\,{\frac {-2\,\sqrt {-{\it \_c}_{{3}}}c+\sqrt {{c}^{2}-4\,{\it \_c}_{{1}}}-c}{c}},1/4\,{\frac {2\,\sqrt {-{\it \_c}_{{3}}}c+\sqrt {{c}^{2}-4\,{\it \_c}_{{1}}}+c}{c}};\,1/2;\,1/2\,\cos \left ( 2\,\theta \right ) +1/2)}{\it \_C4} \right ) } \]