1.1 Thursday, May 27, 2021

1.1.1 Top new questions this week
1.1.2 Greatest hits from previous weeks
1.1.3 Can you answer these questions?

1.1.1 Top new questions this week

Is Internal‘StringToDouble broken in 12.3?
in V 12.3, expression in notebook shakes when scrolling mouse to edit them. How to stop this effect?
Programming language prototyping in Mathematica
WriteString to TCP socket appears to be broken in Mathematica 12.3
DirichletCondition doesn’t always work with RegionBoundary
What are the key reasons for the performance improvements in 12.3?
Default window size too small in version 12.3 (in Windows 10)

Is Internal‘StringToDouble broken in 12.3?


I believe Internal`StringToDouble was the only way to fast convert string into numbers. Now in V12.3 it was removed: Internal`StringToDouble["1"]

asked by Murta https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=2266 17 votes

answered by Itai Seggev https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=4848 20 votes

in V 12.3, expression in notebook shakes when scrolling mouse to edit them. How to stop this effect?


I noticed in V 12.3, when trying to edit an expression in a cell, and moving/scrolling the mouse, the expression itself shakes. It seems to auto-resize or adjust while one is editing it. This does not ...

asked by Nasser https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=70 14 votes

answered by MassDefect https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=42264 16 votes

Programming language prototyping in Mathematica


Are you aware of any projects using the Wolfram language resp. Mathematica as an environment to explore the design of programming languages - in particular languages with a focus on mathematics (...

asked by Math Gaudium https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=74255 12 votes

answered by Anton Antonov https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=34008 18 votes

WriteString to TCP socket appears to be broken in Mathematica 12.3


I have a large codebase in which some functions make calls to Python TCP servers. The code used to work perfectly in Mathematica 12.2, but has not worked since I ...

asked by Shredderroy https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=9257 11 votes

answered by Dorian B. https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=23275 2 votes

DirichletCondition doesn’t always work with RegionBoundary


I am trying to solve the heat equation on a circle with a square shaped hole in it. It works:

asked by Pillsy https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=531 9 votes

answered by Tim Laska https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=61809 11 votes

What are the key reasons for the performance improvements in 12.3?


The built in benchmark test on my stationary workstation shows an improvement from 2.82 to 5.99, all other hardware and operating systems settings the same. This looks very good. My question is: What ...

asked by FredrikD https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=1635 9 votes

answered by Dan https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=42162 5 votes

Default window size too small in version 12.3 (in Windows 10)


After starting Mathematica 12.3, the default window size is like this, it’s too small for me, I dont want to manually drag the window every time. I have tried this,

asked by matrix89 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=5379 7 votes

1.1.2 Greatest hits from previous weeks

Multivariable Taylor expansion does not work as expected
How to calculate contour integrals with Mathematica?
What does "Tag Integer is Protected" message mean?
Is there an open source implementation of Mathematica-the-language?
How to express trigonometric equation in terms of of given trigonometric function?
How can I plot a graph of an integral?
Find eigen energies of time-independent Schrödinger equation

Multivariable Taylor expansion does not work as expected


The basic multivariable Taylor expansion formula around a point is as follows:

\[ f(\mathbf r + \mathbf a) = f(\mathbf r) + (\mathbf a \cdot \nabla )f(\mathbf r) + \frac {1}{2!}(\mathbf a \cdot \nabla ) \]

asked by matheorem https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=4742 65 votes

answered by Jens https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=245 73 votes

How to calculate contour integrals with Mathematica?


How to calculate the integral of \(\frac {1}{\sqrt {4 z^2 + 4 z + 3}}\) over the unit circle counterclockwise for each branch of the integrand?

asked by user64494 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=7152 42 votes

answered by Artes https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=184 64 votes

What does "Tag Integer is Protected" message mean?


(Newbie question)

For every function I define I get this message: When I close and reopen Mathematica, and re-enter the function definition, I don’t get the message anymore. What does it mean?

asked by stevenvh https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=1450 11 votes

answered by J. M.’s ennui https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=50 13 votes

Is there an open source implementation of Mathematica-the-language?


I’ve seen questions before such as "What is the best open-source equivalent for Mathematica?", but that specific question (and that line of inquiry in general) cares more about the computer algebra ...

asked by sblom https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=178 124 votes

answered by Simon https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=34 86 votes

How to express trigonometric equation in terms of of given trigonometric function?


How can I express a trigonometric equation / identity in terms of a given trigonometric function?

using following trigonometric identities

asked by Prashant Bhate https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=99 30 votes

answered by Simon https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=34 37 votes

How can I plot a graph of an integral?


I want to plot the following function:

\[ \int \left (\frac {\Gamma (x+1)}{2}-\frac {\Gamma (x-1)}{2}\right ) \, dx \]

asked by Anixx https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=651 4 votes

answered by k_v https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=24727 9 votes

Find eigen energies of time-independent Schrödinger equation


I’m trying to get the eigenvalues of a one dimensional time-independent Schrödinger equation,

\(-\frac {h^2}{2m_0}\frac {d^2\psi }{dx^2}+U(x)~\psi =Ei~\psi \)

where \(U(x)\) is some potential and Ei is the ...

asked by xslittlegrass https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=1364 49 votes

answered by Jens https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=245 46 votes

1.1.3 Can you answer these questions?

What is "Flatten" doing to my elements?
Inconsistent boundary and initial conditions when solving sine Gordon equation
Step-by-step solution for a Limit

What is "Flatten" doing to my elements?


Here’s some of my code. x1 results in returning the position of a list in a {{{n1}},{{n2}}...}. Im trying to flatten it such that the list reads out as {n1,n2,n3....} some how it’s adding elements.

asked by MT Cup https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=79502 1 vote

Inconsistent boundary and initial conditions when solving sine Gordon equation


I have been trying to solve the following sine Gordon equation \(\partial _{x,x} u(x,t) - \partial _{t,t} u(x,t) - \sin (u(x,t)) - \alpha \partial _t u(x,t) + \gamma = 0\), for \(x \in [0,15]\) and

asked by t Lê Thành https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=68852 1 vote

Step-by-step solution for a Limit


Is it possible in Mathematica to get a step-by-step evaluation of some functions? Such that Mathematica is outputting not only the result but all the stages that have led to it? If so, how does one do ...

asked by putti.123 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=80178 1 vote