(*By Nasser M. Abbasi, version 8/29/13*)

 Module[{points, der, formula, plot, exact, header2, tbl, lte},
  points = makePoints[nPoints, finiteDifferenceType];
  {lte, der, formula, tbl, exact, plot} = 
   mk[derivativeOrder, at, points, fun, f, h, x, plotType, nForApprox,
     n2ForApprox, n3ForApprox, xForApprox, yForApprox, 
  header2 = Text@Grid[{
        TraditionalForm@Style[HoldForm[+##] &[formula, lte], Large], 
        ItemSize -> {49.5, 4}]}
      }, Frame -> All, FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray],
      AllowScriptLevelChange -> True, Spacings -> {0, .2}];
     {header2, SpanFromLeft},
      Grid[{{exact}, {plot}}, Spacings -> {0, 0.1}, Frame -> All, 
       FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray]]}
     }, Spacings -> {0, 0}]
            Dynamic[derivativeOrder, {derivativeOrder = #;
               nPoints = Which[
                 finiteDifferenceType == "centered",
                 If[derivativeOrder == 1 || derivativeOrder == 2, 
                  orderCentered + 1, orderCentered + 3],
                 finiteDifferenceType == "forward", 
                 derivativeOrder + orderForward,
                 finiteDifferenceType == "backward", 
                 derivativeOrder + orderBackward
                 ]} &], {
             1 -> "",
             2 -> "",
             3 -> "",
             4 -> ""
            Appearance -> "Horizontal"], SpanFromLeft
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(Style["\", Italic]\), \("\<(1)\>"\)]\),
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(Style["\", Italic]\), \("\<(2)\>"\)]\),
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(Style["\", Italic]\), \("\<(3)\>"\)]\),
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(Style["\", Italic]\), \("\<(4)\>"\)]\)}
          {Row[{"expansion point", Spacer[2], 
             Text@Subscript[Style["x", Italic], 0]}]},
          {Manipulator[Dynamic[at, {at = Chop[#];} &], {-2, 2, .1}, 
            ImageSize -> Tiny], Dynamic@padIt1[at, {3, 2}]
       }, Frame -> All, 
      FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray], 
      Spacings -> {0.5, 1.15}
       {Text[Style["select accuracy order", 11]], SpanFromLeft},
            Style["centered", 12, 
             If[finiteDifferenceType == "centered", Underlined, 
             orderCentered, {orderCentered = #; orderForward = 0; 
               orderBackward = 0;
               finiteDifferenceType = "centered"; 
               nPoints = 
                If[derivativeOrder == 1 || derivativeOrder == 2, 
                 orderCentered + 1, orderCentered + 3]} &], {2, 4}]
            Style["forward", 12, 
             If[finiteDifferenceType == "forward", Underlined, 
             orderForward, {orderForward = #; orderCentered = 0; 
               orderBackward = 0; finiteDifferenceType = "forward"; 
               nPoints = derivativeOrder + orderForward} &], {1, 2, 3}]
            Style["backward", 12, 
             If[finiteDifferenceType == "backward", Underlined, 
             orderBackward, {orderBackward = #; orderForward = 0; 
               orderCentered = 0; finiteDifferenceType = "backward"; 
               nPoints = derivativeOrder + orderBackward} &], {1, 2, 
          }, Spacings -> {0.1, .4}, Alignment -> Left
       }, Frame -> True, 
      FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray], 
      Spacings -> {0.5, 0.3}
         Row[{"function", Spacer[2], Style["f", Italic], "(", 
           Style["x", Italic], ")"}], 12]},
         Dynamic[fun], {Cos[#] & -> 
           Text@TraditionalForm[Style[Cos[x], 14]], 
          Sin[#] & -> Text@TraditionalForm[Style[Sin[x], 14]]}, 
         Appearance -> "Vertical"]}
       }, Frame -> True, 
      FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray], 
      Spacings -> {0.3, 1.9}
          {Style["plot type", 11]},
          {PopupMenu[Dynamic[plotType, {plotType = #} &],
             1 -> Row[{"error at ", Subscript[
                Style["x", Italic, FontFamily -> "Times"], 0]}],
             2 -> "exact vs. approx."
             }, ImageSize -> {115, 25}
           }}, Spacings -> {0.4, 0.35}
          {Style["select test case", 11]},
          {RadioButtonBar[Dynamic[testCase, {testCase = #,
               Which[testCase == 1,
                derivativeOrder = 1;
                orderForward = 0;
                orderCentered = 0;
                finiteDifferenceType = "backward";
                orderBackward = 1;
                nPoints = derivativeOrder + orderBackward;
                nForApprox = 15;
                n2ForApprox = 1;
                n3ForApprox = 3;
                xForApprox = 3.0;
                yForApprox = 1.2;
                plotType = 2,
                testCase == 2,
                derivativeOrder = 4;
                orderForward = 0;
                orderCentered = 4;
                orderBackward = 0;
                finiteDifferenceType = "centered";
                nPoints = 
                 If[derivativeOrder == 1 || derivativeOrder == 2, 
                  orderCentered + 1, orderCentered + 3];
                nForApprox = 4;
                n2ForApprox = 3;
                n3ForApprox = 0;
                xForApprox = 7.0;
                yForApprox = 1.2;
                plotType = 2,
                testCase == 3,
                derivativeOrder = 3;
                orderForward = 2;
                orderCentered = 0;
                orderBackward = 0;
                finiteDifferenceType = "forward";
                nPoints = derivativeOrder + orderForward;
                nForApprox = 5;
                n2ForApprox = 3;
                n3ForApprox = 0;
                xForApprox = 7.0;
                yForApprox = 1.2;
                plotType = 2,
                testCase == 4,
                derivativeOrder = 1;
                orderForward = 1;
                orderCentered = 0;
                orderBackward = 0;
                finiteDifferenceType = "forward";
                nPoints = derivativeOrder + orderForward;
                nForApprox = 5;
                n2ForApprox = 3;
                n3ForApprox = 0;
                xForApprox = 7.0;
                yForApprox = 1.2;
                plotType = 1
               } &], Range[4]]}
          }, Spacings -> {0.4, 0.48}
       }, Alignment -> Center, Spacings -> {.8, 0.95}, Frame -> True, 
      FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray]
       {Style["h", Italic], 
         Dynamic[nForApprox, {nForApprox = #} &], {1, 15, 1}, 
         ImageSize -> Tiny, Enabled -> Dynamic[plotType == 2]], 
        Dynamic[10^-padIt2[nForApprox, 2]]
       {Row[{Style["h", Italic], " adjust"}], 
         Dynamic[n2ForApprox, {n2ForApprox = #} &], {1, 9, 1}, 
         ImageSize -> Tiny, Enabled -> Dynamic[plotType == 2]], 
        Dynamic[padIt2[n2ForApprox, 1]]
       {Row[{Style["h", Italic], " adjust"}], 
         Dynamic[n3ForApprox, {n3ForApprox = #} &], {0, 9, 1}, 
         ImageSize -> Tiny, Enabled -> Dynamic[plotType == 2]], 
        Dynamic[padIt2[n3ForApprox, 1]]
       {"x range", 
         Dynamic[xForApprox, {xForApprox = #} &], {0.1, 7, .1}, 
         ImageSize -> Tiny, Enabled -> Dynamic[plotType == 2]], 
        Dynamic[padIt1[xForApprox, {2, 1}]]
       {"y range", 
         Dynamic[yForApprox, {yForApprox = #} &], {0.01, 1.2, .01}, 
         ImageSize -> Tiny, Enabled -> Dynamic[plotType == 2]], 
        Dynamic[padIt1[yForApprox, {2, 1}]]
       }, Frame -> True, 
      FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray], 
      Spacings -> {0.5, 0.28}
    }, Spacings -> {0.3, 0.1}, Alignment -> Center
 {{orderCentered, 0}, None},
 {{orderForward, 1}, None},
 {{orderBackward, 0}, None},
 {{xForApprox, 3.0}, None},
 {{yForApprox, 1.2}, None},
 {{nForApprox, 7}, None},
 {{n2ForApprox, 1}, None},
 {{n3ForApprox, 0}, None},
 {{plotType, 1}, None},
 {{fun, Sin[#] &}, None},
 {{derivativeOrder, 1}, None},
 {{nPoints, 2}, None},
 {{at, -0.5}, None},
 {{finiteDifferenceType, "forward"}, None},
 {{h2, 1}, None},
 {{h3, 0}, None},
 {{h4, 0}, None},
 {{h5, 0}, None},
 {{h6, 0}, None},
 {{h7, 0}, None},
 {{f1, 1}, None},
 {{f2, 0}, None},
 {{f3, 0}, None},
 {{f4, 0}, None},
 {{testCase, 1}, None},
 SynchronousUpdating -> False,
 SynchronousInitialization -> False,
 ContinuousAction -> False,
 Alignment -> Center,
 ImageMargins -> 5,
 FrameMargins -> 5,
 Paneled -> True,
 Frame -> False,
 ControlPlacement -> Top,
 AutorunSequencing -> {1},
 Initialization :> 
   (*definitions used for parameter checking*)
   integerStrictPositive = (IntegerQ[#] && # > 0 &);
   integerPositive = (IntegerQ[#] && # >= 0 &);
   numericStrictPositive = (Element[#, Reals] && # > 0 &);
   numericPositive = (Element[#, Reals] && # >= 0 &);
   numericStrictNegative = (Element[#, Reals] && # < 0 &);
   numericNegative = (Element[#, Reals] && # <= 0 &);
   bool = (Element[#, Booleans] &);
   numeric = (Element[#, Reals] &);
   integer = (Element[#, Integers] &);
   padIt1[v_?numeric, f_List] := AccountingForm[v,
     f, NumberSigns -> {"-", "+"}, NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}, 
     SignPadding -> True];
   padIt2[v_?numeric, f_List] := AccountingForm[v,
     f, NumberSigns -> {"", ""}, NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}, 
     SignPadding -> True];
   padIt2[v_?numeric, f_Integer] := AccountingForm[Chop[v],
     f, NumberSigns -> {"", ""}, NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}, 
     SignPadding -> True];
   (*function to generate finite difference formula using \
interpolating polynomial*)
   mkFormula[order_Integer /; order >= 1,(* 
      use 1 to generate approx for f', use 2 for f'' etc...*)
      grid_List?(VectorQ[#, IntegerQ] &),(* list of points. 
      For example, for centered difference 3 points use {-1,0,1} etc...*)

      x_,(* symbol to use, has no value*)
      h_,(*symbol to use for spacing, has no value*)
      f_(* symbol to use for f[
      x] has no value*) ] /; (order <= Length[grid] - 1) := 
    Module[{points, e, z, p},
     points = {x + # h, f[x + # h]} & /@ grid;
     p = InterpolatingPolynomial[points, z];
     e = D[p, {z, order}];
     e = e /. z -> x;
   (*function to evaluate the finite difference and plot result*)
   mk[order_Integer /; order >= 1,(* use 1 to generate approx for f', 
      use 2 for f'' etc...*)
      at_?NumericQ,(*point expansion is made around*)
      grid_List?(VectorQ[#, IntegerQ] &),(* list of points. 
      For example, for centered difference 3 points use {-1,0,1} etc...*)

      fun_,(* pure function using # for x. 
      This is the function to approximate its derivative*)
      f_,(* symbol to use for f[x] has no value*)
      h_,(* symbol to use for h has no value*)
      x_,(* symbol to use for x has no value*)
      finiteDifferenceType_String] /; order <= (Length[grid] - 1) := 
    Module[{expr, hValues, e, n, appr, exact, parms, data, i, lte, 
      hOrder = 16, hValueUsed},
     parms = {f[x] -> Subscript[f, 0], f[x - 2 h] -> Subscript[f, -2],
        f[x - h] -> Subscript[f, -1], f[x + h] -> Subscript[f, 1], 
       f[x + 2 h] -> Subscript[f, 2], f[x + 3 h] -> Subscript[f, 3], 
       f[x + 4 h] -> Subscript[f, 4], f[x - 3 h] -> Subscript[f, -3], 
       f[x - 4 h] -> Subscript[f, -4], f[x - 5 h] -> Subscript[f, -5],
        f[x - 6 h] -> Subscript[f, -6], f[x + 5 h] -> Subscript[f, 5],
        f[x + 6 h] -> Subscript[f, 
        6]}; (*Use for final display of finite difference formula to \
make it smaller to fit*)
     hValues = Table[1./(10^n), {n, 1, hOrder}];
     e = mkFormula[order, grid, x, h, 
       f]; (*this generated the difference formula*)
     appr = e /. {f -> fun, x -> at, h -> #} & /@ hValues;
     exact = D[fun[x], {x, order}] /. x -> at;
     expr = TraditionalForm[D[f[x], {x, order}]];
     lte = Last@FDFormula[order, Length[grid] - 1,
        Which[finiteDifferenceType == "centered", (Length[grid] - 1)/2,
         finiteDifferenceType == "forward", 0,
         True, Length[grid] - 1]
     (*reverse the sign to move it to other side*)
     lte = -lte;
     {(*build return list *)
      e /. parms,
         Flatten@{Style["h", Italic], HoldForm[10^-#] & /@ Range[14] },
         Flatten[{"derivative approximation",
           If[Abs[#] > 999, "*", padIt1[#, {19, 16}]] & /@ 
            appr[[1 ;; 14]]}],
         Flatten@{Row[{"total approximation error"}],
           If[Abs[#] > 999, "*", 
              padIt1[#, {19, 16}]] & /@ (exact - appr)[[1 ;; 14]]}
         }], Alignment -> Center, Frame -> All, 
       FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray], 
       Spacings -> {1, .5}
       Row[{expr, " exact value", Spacer[5], 
         padIt1[exact, {19, 16}]}], ItemSize -> {23, 1.8}],
      Which[plotType == 1,
       ListLogLogPlot[Transpose@{hValues, Abs[exact - appr]}, 
        Frame -> True, Joined -> True, Mesh -> All, 
        FrameLabel -> {{None, None},
          {Style["h", Italic], Style[Grid[{
                Row[{"total error vs. step size ", Style["h", Italic],
                   Spacer[5], "(in log scale)"}]}
              }, Spacings -> {.5, .4}, Alignment -> Center
             ], 12]
        RotateLabel -> True,
        GridLines -> Automatic, GridLinesStyle -> LightGray,
        ImageSize -> {261, 271},
        ImagePadding -> {{30, 10}, {32, 25}},
        ImageMargins -> 8,
        AspectRatio -> 1],
       plotType == 2,
       hValueUsed = 
        N[(n2ForApprox*10^(-nForApprox) + 
           n3ForApprox*10^(-nForApprox - 1))];
       data = 
          e /. {f -> fun, x -> i, h -> hValueUsed}}, {i, -xForApprox, 
          xForApprox, xForApprox/100.}];
         Evaluate@D[fun[x], {x, order}], {x, -xForApprox, xForApprox},
         Frame -> True,
         GridLines -> Automatic, GridLinesStyle -> LightGray,
         ImagePadding -> {{20, 5}, {32, 45}},
         ImageMargins -> 8,
         AspectRatio -> 1,
         ImageSize -> {261, 271},
         Axes -> False,
         PlotRange -> {All, {-yForApprox, yForApprox}},
         FrameLabel -> {{None, None}, {Style["x", Italic],
               {Row[{"exact vs. approximate ", expr}]},
               {Row[{Style["h", Italic], " = ", 
                  padIt2[hValueUsed, {16, 16}]}]}
               }], 12]
        ListLinePlot[data, Joined -> True, Mesh -> True, 
         PlotStyle -> Red, ImagePadding -> 0]
   (*function to generate points for expansion*)
   makePoints[nPoints_Integer /; nPoints >= 2, 
     finiteDifferenceType_String] := Module[{d = (nPoints - 1)/2},
     Which[finiteDifferenceType == "centered", Table[n, {n, -d, d, 1}],
      finiteDifferenceType == "forward", 
      Table[n, {n, 0, nPoints - 1, 1}],
      finiteDifferenceType == "backward", 
      Table[n, {n, -nPoints + 1, 0, 1}]
   (*FDFormula from http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/tutorial/
   FDFormula[m_Integer?Positive(*order of derivative*), 
     n_Integer?Positive(*number of grid intervals*), 
     s_Integer?NonNegative(*set to n/
     2 to get centered differenrer*)] := Module[{},
     F = Table[f[Subscript[x, i + k]], {k, -s, n - s}];
     W = PadRight[
       CoefficientList[Normal[Series[x^s Log[x]^m, {x, 1, n}]/h^m], 
        x], Length[F], 0];
     Wfact = 1/Apply[PolynomialGCD, W];
     W = Simplify[W Wfact];
     taylor[h_] = 
      Normal[Series[f[Subscript[x, i] + h], {h, 0, n + 2}]];
     error = 
        Expand[(Table[taylor[h k], {k, -s, n - s}].W)/Wfact], h], 1];
     do = Position[error, e_ /; e != 0][[1, 1]];
     error = error[[do]];
     error = error /. f_[Subscript[x, i]] -> f;
     error = h^do error;
     {Derivative[m][f][Subscript[x, i]] \[TildeEqual] (F.W)/Wfact, 