(*by Nasser M. Abbasi, version December 27, 2013
  removed FinishDynamic[] was causing a problem*)

   needToUpdateSystem = False;
   (* generate the stepResponse once, 
   only when the parameters change *)
   plant@updateStepResponse[s, t, 0, simulationTime];
   feedBack@updateStepResponse[s, t, 0, simulationTime];
   stepResponsePlot = 
    feedBack@getPlot[s, t, simulationTime, showPlantResponse];
   bodePlot = feedBack@getBodePlot[];
   lowerGrid = Rasterize[(*rastersize for faster rendering*)
               {Style["plant", 11], Style["closed loop", 11]},
               }, Spacings -> {0, 0.3}, Frame -> All, 
              FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.001], Gray]
           }, Spacings -> {0, 0}, Alignment -> Center, Frame -> None
           }, Spacings -> {0, 0}
        }, Spacings -> {0, 0}, Frame -> None
   nyquistPlot = 
      ImageSize -> {0.42*ContentSizeW, 0.3*ContentSizeH}, 
      AspectRatio -> 1, ImagePadding -> 0, ImageMargins -> 0, 
      PlotLabel -> Text@Style["open loop Nyquist", 11]];
   currentTime = 0
 finalPlot = Grid[{
       {Grid[{{Text@Style["plant", 11], 
            plant@getStepResponse[] /. t -> currentTime]},
          {Text@Style[Column[{"closed", "loop"}], 11], 
            feedBack@getStepResponse[] /. t -> currentTime]}}], 
       }, Frame -> All, 
      FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray], 
      Spacings -> {0.2, 0}]
    {lowerGrid, SpanFromLeft}
    }, Spacings -> {0, 0}, Alignment -> Center, Frame -> None, 
   FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray]
   If[currentTime < simulationTime,
     If[currentTime + delta >= simulationTime,
       currentTime = simulationTime;
       currentTime += delta
     tick += $MachineEpsilon
 finalPlot ,
 (*------ start controls ------------------*)
   {Button[Text[Style["run", 12]],
      currentTime = 0;
      doSimulation = True;
      tick += $MachineEpsilon
      }, ImageSize -> {60, 28}],
    Button[Text[Style["stop", 12]],
      currentTime = 0;
      doSimulation = False;
      tick += $MachineEpsilon
      }, ImageSize -> {50, 28}],
       Grid[{{"time"}, {currentTime}}, Spacings -> {0.1, 0.1}, 
        Alignment -> Center], 11]]
   }, Spacings -> {.2, 0}, Alignment -> Center],
   {Text@Style["time", 11],
    Manipulator[Dynamic[simulationTime, {
        simulationTime = #; needToUpdateSystem = True; 
        currentTime = 0; tick += del} &], {1, 50, 1}, 
     ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False],
    Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt3[simulationTime, {2, 0}], 11]
   {Text@Style["slow", 11],
     Dynamic[delta, {delta = #; currentTime = 0; 
        tick += del} &], {0.1, 3, 0.1}, ImageSize -> Tiny, 
     ContinuousAction -> False],
    Text@Style["fast", 11]
   }, FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray], Frame -> True, 
  Spacings -> {0.2, 0}],
   {Text@Style["\[Zeta]", 11],
     Dynamic[zeta, {zeta = #; needToUpdateSystem = True; 
        currentTime = 0; doSimulation = False; plant@setZeta[zeta]; 
        tick += del} &], {0.01, 2.0, 0.01}, ImageSize -> Tiny, 
     ContinuousAction -> False],
    Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt2[zeta, {3, 2}], 11]
   {Text@Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Omega]\), \(n\)]\)", 11],
     Dynamic[wn, {wn = #; needToUpdateSystem = True; currentTime = 0; 
        doSimulation = False; plant@setwn[wn]; tick += del} &], {0.1, 
      2., 0.1}, ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False],
    Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt2[wn, {2, 1}], 11]
   {Text@Style["DC gain", 11],
     Dynamic[dcGain, {dcGain = #; needToUpdateSystem = True; 
        currentTime = 0; doSimulation = False; plant@setGain[dcGain]; 
        tick += del} &], {0.01, 1.5, 0.01}, ImageSize -> Tiny, 
     ContinuousAction -> False],
    Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt2[dcGain, {3, 2}], 11]
   }, FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray], Frame -> True, 
  Spacings -> {0.2, 0}],
       Dynamic[controllerType, {controllerType = #; 
          needToUpdateSystem = True; 
          controller@setType[controllerType]; currentTime = 0; 
          doSimulation = False; tick += del} &],
         "P" -> Style["P", 11],
        "PI" -> Style["PI", 11],
        "PD" -> Style["PD", 11],
        "PID" -> Style["PID", 11]
       ImageSize -> All
      Row[{Style[" show plant ", 11], 
         Dynamic[showPlantResponse, {showPlantResponse = #; 
            needToUpdateSystem = True; tick += del} &]]}]
      }], SpanFromLeft
   {Text@Style["P", 11],
     Dynamic[propertional, {propertional = #; 
        needToUpdateSystem = True; doSimulation = False; 
        controller@setKp[propertional]; currentTime = 0; 
        tick += del} &], {0.001, 10, 0.001}, ImageSize -> Tiny, 
     ContinuousAction -> False
    Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt2[propertional, {5, 3}], 11]
   {Text@Style["I", 11],
     Dynamic[integral, {integral = #; needToUpdateSystem = True; 
        doSimulation = False; controller@setKi[integral]; 
        currentTime = 0; tick += del} &], {0.0, 5, 0.001}, 
     ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False, 
     Enabled -> 
      Dynamic[controllerType == "PI" || controllerType == "PID"]
    Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt2[integral, {4, 3}], 11]
   {Text@Style["D", 11],
     Dynamic[derivative, {derivative = #; needToUpdateSystem = True; 
        doSimulation = False; controller@setKd[derivative]; 
        currentTime = 0; tick += del} &], {0.0, 5, 0.001}, 
     ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False, 
     Enabled -> 
      Dynamic[controllerType == "PD" || controllerType == "PID"]
    Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt2[derivative, {4, 3}], 11]
   }, Alignment -> Left, 
  FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray], Frame -> True, 
  Spacings -> {0.3, 0.2}
   {Text@Style["poles locations in s-plane", 11]},
      polesPlot[feedBack@getPoles[], Blue],
      If[showPlantResponse, polesPlot[plant@getPoles[s], Black], {}]
      , ImageMargins -> 0, ImagePadding -> {{20, 5}, {15, 0}}, 
      ImageMargins -> 0, AspectRatio -> 1
   }, Alignment -> Center, 
  FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.002], Gray], Frame -> True, 
  Spacings -> {0, 0}
 {{tick, 0}, None},
 {{del, $MachineEpsilon}, None},
 {{doSimulation, False}, None},
 {{currentTime, 0}, None},
 {{propertional, 10.0}, None},
 {{integral, 3.730}, None},
 {{derivative, 0.697}, None},
 {{finalPlot, {}}, None},
 {{controllerType, "PID"}, None},
 {{delta, .2}, None},
 {{needToUpdateSystem, True}, None},
 {{showPlantResponse, True}, None},
 {{simulationTime, 20}, None},
 {{zeta, 0.77}, None},
 {{wn, 1.0}, None},
 {{dcGain, 1.0}, None},
 {{lowerGrid, {}}, None},
 {{bodePlot, {}}, None},
 {{stepResponsePlot, {}}, None},
 {{nyquistPlot, {}}, None},
 {plant, None},
 {controller, None},
 {feedBack, None},
 TrackedSymbols :> {tick},
 SynchronousUpdating -> False,
 ContinuousAction -> False,
 SynchronousInitialization -> True,
 Alignment -> Center,
 ImageMargins -> 0,
 FrameMargins -> 0,
 Paneled -> True,
 Frame -> False,
 ControlPlacement -> Left,
 Initialization :>
  {ContentSizeW = 410;
   ContentSizeH = 470 ;
   padIt2[v_?(NumericQ[#] && Im[#] == 0 &), f_List] := 
    AccountingForm[Chop[N@v] , f, NumberSigns -> {"", ""}, 
     NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}, SignPadding -> True];
   padIt3[v_?(NumericQ[#] && Im[#] == 0 &), f_List] := 
    AccountingForm[Chop[N@v] , f, NumberSigns -> {"", ""}, 
     NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}, SignPadding -> True, 
     NumberPoint -> ""];
   (*Plant class*)
   plantClass[$s_, $t_, $from_, $to_, $zeta_, $wn_, $gain_] := 
    Module[{zeta = $zeta, wn = $wn, gain = $gain, stepResponse, self},
     self@getStepResponse[s_, t_, from_, to_] := (
       First@OutputResponse[self@getTF[s], UnitStep[t], {t, from, to}]
     self@setZeta[v_] := (
       zeta = v;
     self@setwn[v_] := (
       wn = v;
     self@setGain[v_] := (
       gain = v;
     self@getTF[s_] := (
       TransferFunctionModel[(wn^2*gain)/(s^2 + 2*zeta*wn*s + wn^2), s]
     self@getPolynomial[s_] := (wn^2*gain)/(s^2 + 2*zeta*wn*s + wn^2);
     self@updateStepResponse[s_, t_, from_, to_] := 
      stepResponse = self@getStepResponse[s, t, from, to];
     self@getStepResponse[] := stepResponse;
     self@getPoles[s_] := TransferFunctionPoles[self@getTF[s]];
     stepResponse = self@getStepResponse[$s, $t, $from, $to];
   (*controller class*)
   controllerClass[$type_, $kp_, $ki_, $kd_] := 
    Module[{type = $type, kp = $kp, ki = $ki, kd = $kd, self},
     self@setType[v_] := type = v;
     self@setKp[v_] := kp = v;
     self@setKi[v_] := ki = v;
     self@setKd[v_] := kd = v;
     self@getPolynomial[s_] := (
       Which[type == "PID", kp + ki/s + kd*s,
        type == "PD", kp + kd*s,
        type == "PI", kp + ki/s,
        type == "P", kp
   (*closed loop feedback class*)
   feedBackClass[$s_, $t_, $from_, $to_] := 
    Module[{getOpenLoopPolynomial, stepResponse, self},
     getOpenLoopPolynomial[s_] := 
     self@getStepResponse[s_, t_, from_, to_] := 
      First@OutputResponse[ self@getTF[s], UnitStep[t], {t, from, to}];
     self@getOpenLoopTF[s_] := 
      TransferFunctionModel[getOpenLoopPolynomial[s], s];
     self@getOpenLoopPhaseMargins[s_] := 
     self@getOpenLoopGainMargins[s_] := 
     self@getPolynomial[s_] := Module[{p = getOpenLoopPolynomial[s]},
       N@Simplify[p/(1 + p)]
     self@getTF[s_] := TransferFunctionModel[self@getPolynomial[s], s];
     self@updateStepResponse[s_, t_, from_, to_] := 
      stepResponse = self@getStepResponse[s, t, from, to];
     self@getStepResponse[] := stepResponse;
     self@getPoles[] := Module[{s},
     self@isStable[] := Module[{poles = self@getPoles[]},
       poles = Flatten[Re[poles]];
       If[Length[Cases[poles, n_ /; n > 0, {}]] > 0, False, True]
     self@getPlot[s_, t_, simulationTime_, showPlantResponse_] := 
      Module[{plotOptions, line, plantPlot, closedLoopPlot, 
        plantPlotStyle = {Black, Thin}, 
        closedLoopPlotStyle = {Blue, Thin}},
       plotOptions = {AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, 
         PlotRange -> {{0, simulationTime}, All}, 
         ImagePadding -> {{30, 15}, {40, 20}}, Frame -> True, 
         ImageSize -> {0.65*ContentSizeW, 0.6*ContentSizeH}, 
         AspectRatio -> 1.1, ImageMargins -> 0, 
         GridLines -> Automatic, 
         GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.001], Gray, Dashed], 
         Axes -> False, Exclusions -> None};
       line = 
        ListPlot[{{0, 1}, {simulationTime, 1}}, PlotStyle -> Red, 
         Joined -> True];
       plantPlot = 
        Plot[plant@getStepResponse[], {t, 0, simulationTime}, 
         Evaluate@plotOptions, PlotStyle -> plantPlotStyle];
       closedLoopPlot = 
        Plot[self@getStepResponse[], {t, 0, simulationTime},
         Evaluate@plotOptions, PlotStyle -> closedLoopPlotStyle,
         FrameLabel -> {{None, 
            None}, {Text@Style[Row[{Style["t", Italic], " sec"}], 11],
             Text@Style["step response", 11]}},
         Epilog -> {
            Text[Framed[Style["stable", Black, 12], 
              FrameMargins -> .1], Scaled[{.06, .05}], {-1, 0}], 
            Text[Framed[Style["unstable", Red, 12], 
              FrameMargins -> .1], Scaled[{.06, .05}], {-1, 0}]
           makePlotLegend[{"closed loop", 
             If[showPlantResponse, "plant", ""]},
                 Line[{{-4, 0}, {4, 0}}]}]) & /@ {closedLoopPlotStyle,
               If[showPlantResponse, plantPlotStyle, White]},
            {0.56, 0.2}, 14, 12, "Arial"]
       Show[closedLoopPlot, If[showPlantResponse, plantPlot, {}], 
        line, ImageMargins -> 0]
     self@getBodePlot[] := 
      Module[{bodePlotTitle, phasePlotTitle, pm, gm, s},
       pm = Last@Sort@self@getOpenLoopPhaseMargins[s];
       gm = Last@Sort@self@getOpenLoopGainMargins[s];
       bodePlotTitle = Text@Style[
            {"open loop magnitude plot", SpanFromLeft},
            {"crossover (rad/sec)", "margin (db)"},
            {gm[[1]], 20*Log[10, gm[[2]]]}
            }, Frame -> All, 
           FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.001], Gray], 
           Spacings -> {0.2, 0.15}, Alignment -> Center], 11];
       phasePlotTitle = Text@Style[
            {"open loop phase plot", SpanFromLeft},
            {"crossover (rad/sec)", "margin (deg)"},
            {pm[[1]], 180/Pi pm[[2]]}
            }, Frame -> All, 
           FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.001], Gray], 
           Spacings -> {0.2, 0.15}, Alignment -> Center], 11];
        StabilityMargins -> {True, True},
        StabilityMarginsStyle -> {Red, Red},
        GridLines -> Automatic,
        ImagePadding -> {{{30, 5}, {30, 5}}, {{30, 5}, {30, 5}}},
        ImageMargins -> {0, 0.1},
        PlotLabel -> {bodePlotTitle, phasePlotTitle},
        PlotLayout -> "List"
     self@formatClosedLoopPoles[] := 
      Module[{tbl = Table["", {4}], poles = Flatten@self@getPoles[]},
       tbl[[1 ;; Length[poles]]] = poles;
           {Text@Style["closed loop poles", 11]},
           {Column[tbl]}}, Frame -> None, Spacings -> {0, 0.2}, 
          Alignment -> Center], 11]
     stepResponse = self@getStepResponse[$s, $t, $from, $to];
   polesPlot[poles_, plotStyle_] := Module[{polesPoints, plotOptions},
     plotOptions = {AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, 
       ImagePadding -> {{0, 0}, {0, 5}}, Frame -> True, 
       ImageMargins -> 0, AspectRatio -> 1, GridLines -> Automatic, 
       GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.001], Gray, Dashed]};
     polesPoints = makePolesAndZerosCoordinates[poles];
       AxesOrigin -> {0, 0},
       PlotMarkers -> Style["\[CircleTimes]", plotStyle, 12],
      PlotRange -> {
        { Min[-1.2, 1.2*Min[polesPoints[[All, 1]] ] ], 
         Max[1.2, 1.2*Max[polesPoints[[All, 1]]] ]}, { 
         Min[-1.2, 1.2*Min[polesPoints[[All, 2]] ] ], 
         Max[1.2, 1.2*Max[polesPoints[[All, 2]]] ]}
      ImageSize -> {.35*ContentSizeW, .3*ContentSizeH},
      ImageMargins -> 0,
      ImagePadding -> 0
   makePolesAndZerosCoordinates[points_] := Module[{xy},
     xy = 
        points, {Complex[x_, y_] :> {x, y}, 
         x_?NumericQ :> {x, 0}}, {3}], 1];
     Cases[xy, {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ}, {2}]
   makePlotLegend[names_, markers_, origin_, markerSize_, fontSize_, 
     font_] := Module[{i, idx},
     idx = Flatten[Position[names, _?(Not[# == ""] &)]];
     Join @@ Table[
         Style[names[[idx[[i]]]], FontSize -> fontSize, font],
         Offset[{1.5*1.5*markerSize, -(i - 0.5)*
            Max[markerSize, fontSize]*1.25}, Scaled[origin]],
         {-1, 0}
          ImageSize -> 3*markerSize
          {markerSize/2, -(i - 0.5)*Max[markerSize, fontSize]*1.25},
         {0, 0},
         Background -> Directive[Opacity[0], White]
       {i, 1, Length[idx]}
   (*Thanks to Árpád Kósa for this function below which draws the \
spring. From a demo found at WRI site*)
   rugo[xkezd_, ykezd_, xveg_, yveg_] := 
    Module[{step = 12, szel = 0.25 (*spring width*), hx, hy, 
      veghossz = 0.3, hossz, dh, i},
       hx = xveg - xkezd;
       hy = yveg - ykezd;
       hossz = Sqrt[hx^2 + hy^2];
       dh = (hossz - 2*veghossz)/step; 
       {xkezd, ykezd}}~
      Join~{{xkezd + hx*(dh + veghossz)/hossz, 
        ykezd + hy*(dh + veghossz)/hossz}}~Join~
       If[OddQ[i], {xkezd + hx*(i*dh + veghossz)/hossz + 
         ykezd + hy*(i*dh + veghossz)/hossz - hx*szel/hossz},
        {xkezd + hx*(i*dh + veghossz)/hossz - hy*szel/hossz, 
         ykezd + hy*(i*dh + veghossz)/hossz + hx*szel/hossz}], {i, 
        2, (step - 2)}]~
      Join~{{xkezd + hx*((step - 1)*dh + veghossz)/hossz, 
        ykezd + hy*((step - 1)*dh + veghossz)/hossz}}~
      Join~{{xveg, yveg}}
   makeMechanicalSystem[y$_] := 
    Module[{a1 = 1, a2, a3 = .7, a4, a6 = .3, annot, a0 = .7, y = y$},
     a2 = .15*a0;
     a4 = .3*a0;
     (*add virtual stop guards for unstable system*)
     If[y > 1.5, y = 1.5];
     If[y < -0.2, y = -0.2];
     annot = 
      Row[{PaddedForm[(Chop[N@y, 10^-5]), {6, 6}, 
         NumberSigns -> {"", ""}, NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}]}];
       {EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Black]], GrayLevel[0.9], 
        Rectangle[{0, 0}, {1.5 + a0, a1}]},
       {GrayLevel[0.5], Opacity[.5], 
        Rectangle[{y + a0, 0}, {y + a0 + 0.05, a1}]},
        Line[{{a4, a3}, {y + a0, a3}}]  },(*damper to mass line*)
        Line[{{0, a3}, {a2, 
           a3}}]  },(*bottom of damper to left wall*)
        Line[{{a2, .9 a3}, {a2, 1.1 a3}}]  },(*bottom of damper*)
       {Black, Line[{{a2, .9 a3}, {a4, .9 a3}}]  },(* 
       bottom edge of damper dash*)
       {Black, Line[{{a2, 1.1 a3}, {a4, 1.1 a3}}]  },(* 
       top edge of damper dash*)
        Line[{{0, a6}, {a2, 
           a6}}]  },(*line from left wall to start of spring part*)
       {Blue, Thin, Dotted, 
        Line[{ {a0 + 1, 0}, {a0 + 1, 
           a1}}]  },(*step response reference*)
       {Blue, Thin, Dotted, 
        Line[{{a0, 0}, {a0, a1}}]},(*0 initial position line*)
       {Text[Style[annot, 11], {y + a0, 1.1*a1}, {0, 0}]   },
         Row[{Style["x", Italic], Style[" = 0", 11]}], {a0, -0.1}, {0,
           0}]  },
         Row[{Style["x", Italic], Style[" = 1", 11]}], {a0 + 
           1, -0.1}, {0, 0}]  },
       {Red, Line[rugo[0, a6, y + a0, a6]]}
       }, PlotRange -> {{-0.01, 2.3}, {-.21, 1.2 a1}}, Axes -> False, 
      AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, ImageMargins -> 0, ImagePadding -> 0, 
      ImageSize -> {0.58*ContentSizeW, 0.15*ContentSizeH}, 
      AspectRatio -> .3]
   (*make plant, controller and feedback objects*)
   plant = plantClass[s, t, 0, 20, .77, 1, 1];
   controller = controllerClass["PID", 10.0, 3.730, 0.697];
   feedBack = feedBackClass[s, t, 0, 20];