

MATLAB FAQ. Collected by Nasser M. Abbasi

Last updated April 12, 2003


Q1. How to find the largest possible floating point number?. 2

Q2. How to find the smallest floating point number?. 2

Q3. How to find the machine eps?. 3

Q4. Do I need to declare a variable before using it?. 3

Q5. is matlab case sensitive?. 3

Q6. How to remove a variable from my workspace?. 4

Q7. How to use symbolic matlab to solve one equation for one unknown or N equations for N unknowns?. 4

Q8. How to compare if 2 floating point numbers are equal?. 5

Q9. How to numerically solve Ax=b?. 7

Q 10. How to multiply 2 matrices element-by-element?. 7

Q 11. How to find the size of a matrix?. 8

Q 12. How to put 2 plots on the same figure?. 8

Q 13 How to display a table of function values?. 9

Q 14 How to display specific column or row in a matrix?. 9

Q 15 How to enter matrices in matlab. 9

Q 16 How to numerically ask matlab to find a root of a function?. 10

Q 17 How to find the minimum of a function over some range?. 10

Q 18 How to numerically solve ODE in matlab?. 10

Q 19 How to sum elements of an array?. 11

Q 20 does matlab have RECORD or STRUCT as in pascal and C?. 11

Q 21 What is in the signal processing tool box?. 11

Q 22 Where to get more matlab help?. 12

Q 23 Control system diagram. 13

Q 24 How to brighten or darken an image?. 13



Q1. How to find the largest possible floating point number?

» help realmax


 REALMAX Largest positive floating point number.

    x = realmax is the largest floating point number representable

    on this computer.  Anything larger overflows.


    See also EPS, REALMIN.


» realmax


ans =




To see all the digits, type ‘vpa(realmax,320)’

Q2. How to find the smallest floating point number?

» help realmin


 REALMIN Smallest positive floating point number.

    x = realmin is the smallest positive normalized floating point

    number on this computer.  Anything smaller underflows or is

    an IEEE "denormal".


    See also EPS, REALMAX.


» realmin


ans =




Q3. How to find the machine eps?

eps is the smallest difference between floating point numbers that the machine can recognize. It is defined as the smallest floating point value that when added to 1.0 will produce a floating point number different from 1.0.


» help eps


 EPS    Floating point relative accuracy.

    EPS returns the distance from 1.0 to the next largest

    floating point number. EPS is used as a default tolerance by

    PINV and RANK, as well as several other MATLAB functions.


» isequal( (1+eps)-1,0)


ans =



» isequal( (1+eps/2)-1,0)


ans =



» eps


ans =



%to see it in full decimal format, do


>> fprintf('%.40f',eps)






              digit 16

Q4. Do I need to declare a variable before using it?

No. In Matlab there is no syntax for variable declaration. When you type ‘a=10’, matlab creates the variable ‘a’ and gives it the type ‘double’ by default.

Q5. is matlab case sensitive?

Matlab variables and functions are case sensitive. This means variable A is different from variable a.  Example:


>> clear all

>> A=10;

>> A


A =



>> a

??? Undefined function or variable 'a'.

Q6. How to remove a variable from my workspace?

Use the command ‘delete’ to completely remove a variable from the workspace. For example, to remove variable called ‘a’, then type ‘delete a’. To remove all variables from workspace use the command ‘delete all’. It is a good idea to do ‘delete all’ before starting a new run of your program while testing to make sure you do not use an old variable value or the wrong variable by mistake.

Q7. How to use symbolic matlab to solve one equation for one unknown or N equations for N unknowns?


Use the command ‘solve’ which solves a set of equations.

From matlab help


>> help solve


 SOLVE  Symbolic solution of algebraic equations.




For example, to solve for ‘x’ in the equation x^2+2*x+1=0, use the command


>> S=solve('x^2+2*x+1')

S =


[ -1]

[ -1]

The roots are put in a column vector S.


To solve a set of equations, say 2 equations in 2 unknowns, say  x+y-4=0, 3*y+x-10=0, write the equations each inside a string, and then write the names of the unknowns in the order desired to get them back in the result as shown below:




S =

    x: [1x1 sym]

    y: [1x1 sym]


>> S.x


>> S.y



So, x=1, y=3 is the solution.


Q8. How to compare if 2 floating point numbers are equal?


One tricky thing about using floating points is the fact that some numbers can not be represented exactly inside the computer hardware.


In normal math, when do ‘0.42 – 0.5 + 0.08’ the result is obviously 0. nothing more and nothing less.


But since 0.42 and 0.08 can not be represented exactly in IEEE floating point format, we get the following wrong result from pure mathematics point of view:


>> fprintf('%.40f', 0.42 - 0.5 + 0.08)



You see that the result is not the mathematical zero.


Now, change the order of the terms, and now we get a different result (the correct one this time)


>> fprintf('%.40f', 0.42 +0.08 - 0.5)


Notice that the error in the first computation is actually less the EPS (the machine accuracy tolerance):


>> fprintf('%.40f', eps)



I’ll put EPS on top of the first result to see this more clearly




What all this means is that we need to be very careful when we compare 2 floating points number.


If we have

N = 0.42 - 0.5  + 0.08

M = 0.42 + 0.08 - 0.5


And we try to compare N and M above expecting to get a result that indicates that the numbers are equal, instead we will get a different result. This can be disastrous to the numerical application if the algorithm we doing this comparison to decide on what logic to perform next. This example below illustrates this: 



>> N = 0.42 - 0.5 + 0.08


N =



>> M = 0.42 +0.08 - 0.5


M =



>> if(N==M)

   disp('Numbers are equal');


   disp('Numbers are NOT equal');



Numbers are NOT equal



Instead, do the floating point comparison as follows:


>> if( abs(N-M) < eps )

     disp ('Numbers are equal');


     disp('Numbers are NOT equal');



Numbers are equal


The expression

         if (a==b)

should be replaced with

         if( abs(a-b) < eps)


almost always when working with floating point numbers.


So, to check if a floating point number is zero, use

         if( abs(a) < eps)


The point of this is that we want to see if the absolute difference between the 2 floating point numbers is within the EPS of the machine. If so, then we declare these number to be mathematically equal, even though they might have different bit pattern representation.


Q9. How to numerically solve Ax=b?


One way is to use the ‘\’ operator. Example:


>> A=[ 1 1; -3 -6]


A =

     1     1

    -3    -6

>> b=[-0.5;5]


b =




>> x=A\b


x =



see also ‘pinv’ function.

Q 10. How to multiply 2 matrices element-by-element?

If A and B are matrices, then typing


C = A * B;


Does the normal matrix multiplication. If however you want to multiply each element in A by the corresponding element in B instead, then use the ‘.’ Operator as in:


C = A .* B;


For example:


>> A=[1 2; 3 4]

A =

     1     2

     3     4


>> B=[5 6; 7 8]

B =

     5     6

     7     8


>> C=A*B

C =

    19    22

    43    50


>> C=A .* B

C =

     5    12

    21    32

Q 11. How to find the size of a matrix?


Given a matrix A, then to find the number of rows do


row = size(A,1);


To number the number of columns do


col = size(A,2);


To obtain the number of rows and number of columns in one call do


[row,col] = size(A);


do help size for more info.


Q 12. How to put 2 plots on the same figure?

In matlab, when you issue the command ‘plot’, it will create a new figure window and then put the plot in that figure (assuming no figure already exist).


When you issue the plot command again, it will erase the earlier plot and use the same existing figure window to display the second plot.


It is sometimes useful to display both plots on the same figure (for example to compare one curve to the other). to do this, use the command ‘hold on’ after the first plot command. This causes matlab to keep the first plot (hold it on) when it plots the second plot. The command ‘hold on’ remains in effect until you issue the command ‘hold off’. This is an example to plot the sin(x) and cos(x) on the same figure.


>> x=[-pi:0.1:pi];

plot(x,sin(x)); hold on; plot(x,cos(x),'--')



see help plot for more info.

Q 13 How to display a table of function values?


Suppose you want to display a table, that contains 2 columns. The first is the ‘x’ values and the second is the ‘y’ values. One easy way to do this is like this:


>> x=[-pi:0.1:pi];  <--- generate the ‘x’ values

>> y=sin(x);        <--- generate the ‘y’ values

>> [x' y']          <--- display side by side. Notice the transpose


ans =


         -3.14159265358979    -1.22464679914735e-016

         -3.04159265358979       -0.0998334166468284

         -2.94159265358979        -0.198669330795062

         -2.84159265358979         -0.29552020666134

         -2.74159265358979        -0.389418342308651



Q 14 How to display specific column or row in a matrix?


Use the ‘:’ operator.

       For example, A(:,3) will be the third column of A.

       A(1:3,:) will be the first 3 rows of A


Q 15 How to enter matrices in matlab


The following answer is copied from http://www.mines.utah.edu/~ggcmpsem/matlab/matlab.html

A good matlab tutorial.


MATLAB works with essentially only one kind of object, ie. a rectangular numerical matrix with possibly complex entries; all variables represent matrices. In some situations,
1-by-1 (1 x 1) matrices are interpreted as scalars and matrices with only one row (1 x n) or one column (m x 1) are interpreted as vectors.

Matrices can be introduced into MATLAB in several different ways:


1.  Entered by an explicit list of elements

2.  Loaded from external data files (see User's Guide)

3.  Generated by built-in statements and functions


For example, either of the statements

       A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]


       A = [

       1 2 3

       4 5 6

       7 8 9 ]

creates the obvious 3-by-3 matrix and assign it to a variable A.


Q 16 How to numerically ask matlab to find a root of a function?

 Use the function ‘fzero’


From help fzero:



      FUN can be specified using @:

         X = fzero(@sin,3)

      returns pi.

         X = fzero(@sin, 3, optimset('disp','iter'))

      returns pi, uses the default tolerance and displays iteration



      FUN can also be an inline object:

         X = fzero(inline('sin(3*x)'),2);


Q 17 How to find the minimum of a function over some range?

Use fminsearch.


[X,FVAL]= FMINSEARCH(...) returns the value of the objective function,

    described in FUN, at X.



>> [h,the_min] = fminsearch(@sin,pi)


h =




the_min =



Q 18 How to numerically solve ODE in matlab?

Use matlab ode45. do help ode45. Also see on-line demos.


See also

        other ODE solvers:    ODE23, ODE113, ODE15S, ODE23S, ODE23T, ODE23TB

        options handling:     ODESET, ODEGET

        output functions:     ODEPLOT, ODEPHAS2, ODEPHAS3, ODEPRINT

        evaluating solution:  DEVAL

        ODE examples:         RIGIDODE, BALLODE, ORBITODE


ODE23 and ODE45 are functions for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. They employ variable step size Runge-Kutta integration methods. ODE23 uses a simple 2nd and 3rd order pair of formulas for medium accuracy and ODE45 uses a 4th and 5th order pair for higher accuracy. This demo shows their use on a simple differential equation.


Q 19 How to sum elements of an array?


From matlab on-line help:


x = [1 2 3 4 5];  <--- the sum of element is 15.


% Do add up all the elements of x, use this:

y = sum(x)


% which is better than this:

y = 0;

for i=1:length(x)

    y = y+x(i);

endy =


Q 20 does matlab have RECORD or STRUCT as in pascal and C?




From matlab on-line help


You can construct a structure simply by assigning values to its fields. With these commands, we create the structure we've depicted.


patient.name = 'John Doe';

patient.billing = 127.00;

patient.test = [79 75 73; 180 178 177.5; 172 170 169];

patient =


       name: 'John Doe'

    billing: 127

       test: [3x3 double]


the variable ‘patient’ is now a struct.

Q 21 What is in the signal processing tool box?


See the on-line help.


The Signal Processing Toolbox is a collection of tools built on the MATLAB technical computing environment. The toolbox provides two categories of tools:


Command line functions in the following categories:

1.  Analog and digital filter analysis

2.  Digital filter implementation

3.  FIR and IIR digital filter design

4.  Analog filter design

5.  Filter discretization

6.  Spectral Windows

7.  Transforms

8.  Cepstral analysis Statistical signal processing and spectral analysis Parametric modeling

9.  Linear Prediction

10. Waveform generation


Q 22 Where to get more matlab help?


Matlab has an extensive on-line help.


>> help


HELP topics:


matlab\general       -  General purpose commands.

matlab\ops           -  Operators and special characters.

matlab\lang          -  Programming language constructs.

matlab\elmat         -  Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation.

matlab\elfun         -  Elementary math functions.

matlab\specfun       -  Specialized math functions.

matlab\matfun        -  Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra.

matlab\datafun       -  Data analysis and Fourier transforms.

matlab\audio         -  Audio support.

matlab\polyfun       -  Interpolation and polynomials.

matlab\funfun        -  Function functions and ODE solvers.

matlab\sparfun       -  Sparse matrices.

matlab\graph2d       -  Two dimensional graphs.

matlab\graph3d       -  Three dimensional graphs.

matlab\specgraph     -  Specialized graphs.

matlab\graphics      -  Handle Graphics.

matlab\uitools       -  Graphical user interface tools.

matlab\strfun        -  Character strings.

matlab\iofun         -  File input/output.

matlab\timefun       -  Time and dates.

matlab\datatypes     -  Data types and structures.

matlab\verctrl       -  Version control.

matlab\winfun        -  Windows Operating System Interface Files (DDE/COM)

winfun\comcli        -  (No table of contents file)

matlab\demos         -  Examples and demonstrations.

toolbox\local        -  Preferences.

toolbox\compiler     -  MATLAB Compiler

toolbox\optim        -  Optimization Toolbox

signal\signal        -  Signal Processing Toolbox

signal\sigtools      -  Filter Design & Analysis Tool (GUI)

signal\sptoolgui     -  Signal Processing Toolbox GUI

signal\sigdemos      -  Signal Processing Toolbox Demonstrations.

toolbox\stats        -  Statistics Toolbox

toolbox\symbolic     -  Symbolic Math Toolbox.

MATLAB6p5\work       -  (No table of contents file)


For more help on directory/topic, type "help topic".

For command syntax information, type "help syntax".


There are also on-line demos. Type help ‘demo’


There are zillions of matlab tutorials on the web. Go to google and type matlab tutorial.


For example:




Mathworks own web site has the full documentation of matlab on-line as well.


Q 23 Control system diagram

This diagram from the book signal processing using matlab


Q 24 How to brighten or darken an image?

Must convert it to double, then multiply (to brighten) by some scalar, then convert back to uint8





