
ECE 3311 Software engineering 1, BANKDB software system, Northeastern Univ. Boston, Massachusetts

Nasser M. Abbasi

December 7, 1993   Compiled on November 16, 2018 at 11:29am  [public]


This report contains all the documents relating to the second software project for ECE3311 course taken at Northeastern university, fall 1993 by Dr David R. Kaeli.


1 Formal specifications
 1.1 Linked_List
 1.2 Date
 1.3 Name
 1.4 Account
 1.5 Saving_Account
 1.6 Checking_Account
 1.7 Account_Manager
 1.8 Input_Tran
2 Design Architecture/Outline of Objects used
3 CRC Cards
4 Quality Evaluated
5 Test Plan for OO design

1 Formal specifications

1.1 Linked_List

sort Linked_list

import List_Element 

This specifications defines a sort called Linked_List, the operations are to find and entry on the list and to append an entry at the end of the list.

Create \(\rightarrow \)Linked_List

Find( Linked_List,Key)\(\rightarrow \)List_Element

Append(Linked_List,List_Element,Key)\(\rightarrow \)Linked_List

Find(Create(),Key)=Undefined — Linked_list is empty

Append(Create(),List_element,Key)=Success — List_element added to Linked_list

1.2 Date

sort Date

import integer

This specifications defines a class Date that is used to manipulate Date, it supports operations to create Date and set the Date to different dates and to print the date to a file, this sort makes the date easier to work with

Create\(\rightarrow \)Date

Set(Date,mm/dd/yy)\(\rightarrow \)Date

Get_Day(Date)\(\rightarrow \)integer — this integer is the day part of Date

Get_Month(Date)\(\rightarrow \)integer — this integer is the month part of Date

Get_Year(Date)\(\rightarrow \)integer — this integer is the year part of Date

Set(Create(),mm/dd/yy)=Success — Date now holds mm/dd/yy internally

Get_Day(Create())=undefined — must set the date first to valid value


Get_Month(Create())=undefined — must set the date first to valid value


Get_Year(Create())=undefined — must set the date first to valid value


1.3 Name

sort Name

import string,integer

This specification defines a sort called Name, Name is used to hold string names in it with the name length to make it easier to manipulate names

Create\(\rightarrow \)Name

Set(Name,string)\(\rightarrow \)Name

Get(Name)\(\rightarrow \)string

Get_Length(Name)\(\rightarrow \)integer — the length of name


Get(Create)=undefined — Name must be set first


Get_Length(Create)=undefined — Name must be set first

Get_Length(Set(Name,string))=integer — the length of string name

Io_Device sort IO_Device

import Boolean,string

This specification defines a sort called Io_Device, Io_Device is used to hold the files used by the system, and to allow operations of open the input and output files, and to read the next line from the file

Create\(\rightarrow \)Io_Device

Open(Io_Device)\(\rightarrow \)Boolean

Read(Io_Device)\(\rightarrow \)string


Read(Create())=Undefined — must open file first

Read(Open(Io_Device))=string — data read

Read(Open(Io_Device))=undefined — when end of file reached

1.4 Account

sort Account

Import float,Boolean

This specification defines a sort called Account. Account holds information relating to the account itself, operations such as credit, debt,set_balance,get_balance, are used on this sort.

Create\(\rightarrow \)Account

Debt(Account,float)\(\rightarrow \)Account

Credit(Account,float)\(\rightarrow \)Account

Set_Balance(float,Account)\(\rightarrow \)Account

Get_Balance(Account)\(\rightarrow \)float

Debt(Create,float)=Account — the account balance has been debited

Set_Balance(Create)=Account — created account has its balance set

Credit(Create,float)=Account — Account updated with new credit

1.5 Saving_Account

sort Saving_Account

import Account,float — this sort inherits sort Account

This specification defines a sort called Saving_Account. Saving_Account hold information relating to the saving account, operations such as interest calculations, setting the date last accessed are used on this sort

Create\(\rightarrow \)Saving_Account

Interest(Date,Saving_Account)\(\rightarrow \)float

Set_Date_Accessed(Date,Saving_Account)\(\rightarrow \)Saving_Account


Interest(Date,Create_Account)=0 — no interest on new created account


1.6 Checking_Account

sort Checking_Account

import Account — this sort inherits sort Account

This specification defines a sort called Checking_Account. Checking_Account hold information relating to the Checking account, operations such as incrementing number of withdraws,setting flag to indicate that the less than 500 penalty has been debited from the account are used on this sort

Create\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Account

Increment(Checking_Account)\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Account

Penalty_Set(Checking_Account)\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Account



1.7 Account_Manager

sort Account_Manager

import Saving_Account,Checking_Account,Io_Device

This specification defines a sort called Account_Manger, Account_Manager does operations such as open,deposit,balance,withdraw,and transfer on both the saving and checking account.

Create\(\rightarrow \)Account_Manager

Checking_Open\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Account.Create()

Saving_Open\(\rightarrow \)Saving_Account.Create()

Checking_Balance\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Balance.Get_Balance()\(\rightarrow \)float

Saving_Balance\(\rightarrow \)Saving_Balance.Get_Balance()\(\rightarrow \)float

Checking_Deposit\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Account.credit()\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Account

Saving_Deposit\(\rightarrow \)Saving_Account.credit()\(\rightarrow \)Saving_Account

Checking_Deposit\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Account.debt()\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Account

Saving_Deposit\(\rightarrow \)Saving_Account.debt()\(\rightarrow \)Saving_Account

Checking_Transfer\(\rightarrow \)Saving_Account.credit(Checking_Account.debt())\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Account

Deposit_Transfer\(\rightarrow \)Checking_Account.credit(Saving_Account.debt())\(\rightarrow \)Saving_Account

Checking_Balance\(\rightarrow \)Io_Device.Write(Checking_Account.Get_Balance())

Saving_Balance\(\rightarrow \)Io_Device.Write(Saving_Account.Get_Balance())

1.8 Input_Tran

sort Input_Tran

import transaction

This specification defines a sort Input_Tran, Input_Tran read and input transactions and validates the inputs

Create\(\rightarrow \)Input_Tran

Read(Input_Tran)\(\rightarrow \)Transaction

Valid(Transaction)\(\rightarrow \)Boolean

Read(Create)=Transaction — line is read from input file, this is the transaction to be processed

Valid(Create)= undefined – need to read transaction first

2 Design Architecture/Outline of Objects used

3 CRC Cards

Please see the CRC cards included.

4 Quality Evaluated

A total of 10 classes were used, one Abstract class (Account class), and 2 abstract structures to describe layout of input record and layout of head of linked list. I did not include these 2 structures in the CRC classes since they do not include member functions, but are structures to describe layout.

The maximum inheritance depth is 2, this is where Saving_Account and Checking_Accounts inherit the Account class.

The subsystems can be determined as: IO subsystem, Account Manager, Parsing and Validation of input subsystem and the Account subsystem, so a total of 4 subsystem can be recognized. The 10 classes is divided among these 4 general subsystems.

To find number of contracts per class, I looked at the CRC cards and grouped similar responsibilities within each class into one group, I called this one contract, I indicated this on the CRC card on this side by ”{” to group similar responsibilities, by doing this I see that there are about 25 different contracts over 10 classes, given an average of 2.5 contract per class, some classes have one contract while others have up to 4. A low number of contracts such as 2-3 per class is better than having a large number of contracts per class as that would complicate the issue of maintenance.

5 Test Plan for OO design

OO design leads well to bottom up testing, since individual objects can be tested separately and then integrated within the overall system.

I started by testing the lower level classes in separate files, classes such the Date, Time, Linked_List, Io_Device were tested by writing a simple test driver that calls them to make sure they work well, Then I wrote the other major classes such as Account_Manager, Parser, Saving_Account, Checking_Account, I then integrated these classes into one file along with the other lower level classes mebioned above. I also tested each functionality as I added it, for example, After the Open account functionality was coded, I tested this alone by write in the trans.act a transaction that exercise the Open code, when I added Balance, I also tested that before adding more code , this way if an error is found, I know that this errors must be relating to the latest code I added, making my task of finding the problem easier.

I utilized regression testing. I have saved from the first project all the trans.act files I used with the output of each test, I then used the new C++ program and run this against each of those trans.act, then I compared the output from each run with the output of the C program. I used the ”diff” command on the system to tell me if there are any differences in the output. I ran all the 33 test cases I have saved, and found that each test case passed by giving the same output as the C program. I also know that that the C program produces correct output .

To summarize, I used bottom up development and tested each of the classes that can be tested alone separately, I then used incremental tested, and then at the end I used regression testing to verify the final product.