1  Introduction

 1.1  Syllabus
 1.2  Teacher note on vector rate of change

I took this course in spring 2011 to learn more about dynamics. The instructor is Professor Margolis, UC Davis. A very helpful Professor who has lots of knowledge in the subject. His exams are reasonable but needed to study hard for them. He makes the subject very interesting and explains hard thing in simple way to make it easy to understand. I recommend his courses.

1.1  Syllabus


1.1.1  course description from catalog

Prerequisite: Engineering 102. Technical elective that revisits dynamic principles with emphasis on engineering applications; stressing importance of deriving equations of motion and setting these into format for computer solution with computer simulation lab, students gain experience with solving complex, real engineering applications. III. (III.) Karnopp, Margolis

1.1.2  Text book

Engineering Applications of Dynamics, by Dean C. Karnopp (Author), Donald L. Margolis (Author)


A very good book on Engineering dynamics, with lots of worked examples and nice diagrams.

1.2  Teacher note on vector rate of change
