LAB #7 report. MAE 106. UCI. Winter 2005

Nasser Abbasi, LAB time: Friday 2/25/2005 10 AM

Answer 1.

I have tried a number of runs with different proportional and derivative gain constants running at $1$ Hz. This plot below shows few of the tests I've run, and below them the one I think achieved the best tracking.

Derivative gain=0.4

Proportional gain=0.4

Answer 2$\ $

First I need to derive the transfer function. I can decide to control the speed of the motor shaft, or its angular position. I need to decide on this since this affect what the transfer function will be. i.e. wither I will select the position or the speed to be the output. In both cases I will take the motor voltage supply as the input.

I selected to use position as the controller variable.

First, I show the model of the motor itself, then the block diagram. Next I show the block diagram with a delay element added in the feedforward path, and the compare the transfer functions with and without delay and show that with delay, it is possible for the output to become unstable.


From the diagram below, using Kirchoff law around the motor circle, we get


Take Laplace transform we get


Now, we know that the backemf voltage $V_{b}$ produced is proportional to the angular speed of the shaft. Let this proportionality constant be called $B_{b}\,\ $ then we write


Take Laplace transform of the above, we get


Substitute equation (2) into (1) we get


Now consider the dynamic equation for the motor shaft, we get


Where $J$ is the moment of inertial of the motor shaft around its axis of rotation. Take Laplace transform of the above we get


We also know that the torque produced is proportional to the current in the motor. Lets call the proportionality constant $B_{t}$ hence we write MATH

Take Laplace transform of (5) we getMATH

Substitute (6) into (4) we get


Now substitute (7) into (3) we get


Now $L$ is usually very small compare to $R$ so equation (8) can be written as


Hence the transfer function between $V_{i}$ and $\theta $ is


This transfer function is in the standard form. It is a second order system. The above is the transfer function of the plant itself. Now I put the above into the loopback block diagram, assuming the controller we used is PD controller of the form $K_{p}+k_{d}s$ we get this

Now we do block simplification to obtain the closed loop transfer function. Let MATH, hence the feedforward transfer function is MATH hence the closed loop transfer function is MATH

Let $K_{p}+K_{d}=K$ then we write MATH

The charaterstic equation is $1+KP=0$. The closed loop poles are the roots of this equation.

Replace $P$ above to be able to solve for the roots, we get


the roots are MATH

We see from the above, that independent of the values under the $\sqrt{}$sign, the system will have its poles in the left hand side. This is because the quantity MATH is positive.

Hence the system is always stable no matter how large the gain $K$ is.

Now let see what happens when we add the effect of Labjack into the system, model this effect as a time delay, which in the Laplace transform becomes $e^{-sT}$ where $T$ is the time it takes Labjack to sample one data point, i.e. $T$ is the sampling period. Hence now the block diagram becomes

Where I wrote $V_{d}$ as the output from the labjack. (delayed voltage).

Now, since MATH


Now for very small $T\,,$ all terms with $s^{n}$ for $n>1$ can be ignored. Hence we get an approximation


Hence the above system becomes

Now obtain the closed loop transfer function.

The open loop transfer function is MATH

As before, let MATH, hence we get MATH

Then the closed loop transfer function is MATH

The characteristic equation is


The roots of this equation (i.e. the poles of the closed loop) now can be found as


Now we clearly see the effect of the delay of the closed loop poles.

We see that the real part of the pole can occur at the positive side of the s plane, and this will happen when MATH or when MATH

hence we see that as $K$ is increased, the closed loop pole will move to the right until it will cross the imaginary axes making the system unstable. In addition, for a fixed gain $K$, as $T$ is increased the system can become stable. An increase in $T$ implies that the sampling frequency becomes smaller, since $f=\frac{1}{T}$.

This is what we are asked to show.