HW 6, EECS 203A

Problem 5.13, Digital Image Processing, 2nd edition by Gonzalez, Woods.

Nasser Abbasi, UCI. Fall 2004


Obtain equations for the bandpass filters corresponding to the bandreject filters in eqs 5.4-1 through 5.4-3


A bandpass filter can be obtained from a bandreject filter by the following relation


eqs 5.4-1 through 5.4-3 give the bandpass reject equations, hence to obtain the bandpass equations we need to substitue in the above.

ideal bandpass

Here, every where the bandreject has a value of 1, we make it zero, and every where it is 0 we make it 1. Ideal bandreject is given by


Hence an ideal bandpass is given by


This is illustrated in the following diagram on next page


bandpass Butterworth filter

The Butterworth reject filter of order $n$ is given by


Where $D$ is the distance from center of 2D spectrum to any point. $W$ is the width of the band, $D_{0}$ is the distance from center of spectrum to the center of the band. (note: $D$ and $D_{0}$ should be written as MATH, MATH, but for clarity of expression, I did not add these).

Hence, the butterworth bandpass filter is


bandpass Gaussian filter

The Gaussian band reject filter is given by


Hence Gaussian band pass filter is