HW4, EECS 203A, Computer Problem (b).

By Nasser Abbasi.



Conclusion. 1

Solution. 1

Cat results. 1

Original image. 1

Magnitude of the 2D fourier transform.. 2

3D view of the magnitude of the fourier transform.. 3

Effect of changing ‘c’ scaling factor 3

Triangle results. 4

Magnitude of the 2D fourier transform.. 4

3D view of the magnitude of the fourier transform.. 5

Effect of changing ‘c’ scaling factor 5


Problem: Generate an image of |F(u,v)| with the DC in the center for the cat and the triangle image.



For the cat image, we see 2 high frequency lines, one vertical through the origin and the second a horizontal line, also through the origin. The vertical line seems to result from the spatial horizontal lines that the carpet texture exhibits. There is also a sharp horizontal like at the top of the image.

The horizontal line in the frequency image seem to result from the spatial line which

is the white to dark edge line to the left of the cat head.


For the triangle image, we see 6 strong lines in the frequency image. 3 of these lines correspond to the 3 edges of the triangle. I am not sure now why I get 6 lines in the frequency image.


Cat results

Original image

For the cat, this is the original image (480x640) gray level scale, 8 bits per pixel.


Magnitude of the 2D Fourier transform

Below is the Magnitude of the 2D Fourier transform, scaled using s=c log(1+r) for c=22.

3D view of the magnitude of the Fourier transform

This is a 3D view of the magnitude of the Fourier transform.

Effect of changing ‘c’ scaling factor

This below shows the effect of changing the scaling factor ‘c’ in the equation s=c*log(1+r). It shows the |F| plot for different ‘c’ values

Triangle results

Original image

Magnitude of the 2D Fourier transform

Below is the Magnitude of the 2D Fourier transform, scaled using s=c log(1+r) for c=22.


3D view of the magnitude of the Fourier transform

This is a 3D view of the magnitude of the Fourier transform.

Effect of changing ‘c’ scaling factor

This below shows the effect of changing the scaling factor ‘c’ in the equation s=c*log(1+r). It shows the |F| plot for different ‘c’ values



Source code

function nma_EECS_203A_HW4_prob_b


% Solve HW4, EECS 203A, computer problem b.

% Determine the 2D fourier transform magnitude

% of an image


% by Nasser Abbasi

% EECS 203A, UCI, Fall 2004.



M=480;  % rows

N=640;  % columns










imagesc(f,[0 255]);

colormap gray;


title(sprintf('Original raster file %s',fileName));




F = fft2(f,M,N);

F = fftshift(F); % Center FFT

F = abs(F);  % Takes the magnitude of F

F = round(F);



imagesc(c*log(1+F),[0 255]); colormap gray;

title(sprintf('|F| for triangle. Scaled with c log(1+F), c=%d',c));

xlabel('v'); ylabel('u');



mesh(1:N,1:M,.6*log(1+F)); colormap jet;

xlabel('v'); ylabel('u');

title(sprintf('3D view of |F| for triangle. Scaled with c log(1+F), c=%d',c));





for (i=1:25)


    imagesc(i*log(1+F),[0 255]); colormap gray; title(sprintf('c=%d',c));

