HW2, Computer problem, Part (a)
EECS 203A, Digital Image Processing. UCI. Fall 2004
Nasser Abbasi

Define the transformation and generate 2 lookup tables and plot the curves. I also list the first and last 5 rows in each table for each curve to better see the values. The first column in the table is the r values and the second column is the s values.


                                                                                               ... 2371;, RowBox[{RowBox[{tbl2, =, RowBox[{process, [, RowBox[{1., ,, 1.5}], ]}]}], ;}], }]}]

0 0
1 6
2 10
3 13
4 16

...\n 251   252                252   253                253   254                254   254                255   255


lookup table has size= {256, 2}

0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 1

...\n 251   249                252   251                253   252                254   254                255   255


Now set current directory to where the image is (same folder as this note book) and read the image file


SetDirectory[ToFileName[Extract["FileName"/.NotebookInformation[EvaluationNotebook[] ... ; rows = 480 ;  cols = 640 ; data = FastBinaryFiles`ReadListBinary[fileName, Byte] ;   

Now that the image is read into data, we display it before appying GLT on it.


ListDensityPlot[Reverse[Partition[data, cols]], MeshFalse, FrameFalse, ImageSize {rows, cols}, PlotRangeAll, AspectRatioAutomatic] ;


Now apply first GLT to this image.c=1.0,γ=0.67 and display the result


out = applyGLT[Flatten[data], tbl1] ; fileName = "cat_low_gamma.raw" ... [fileName] ; FastBinaryFiles`WriteBinary[strm, Flatten[out], Byte] ; Close[strm] ;


Now apply second GLT to this image.c=1.0,γ=1.5 and display the result


out = applyGLT[Flatten[data], tbl2] ; fileName = "cat_high_gamma.raw" ; strm = FastB ... OpenWriteBinary[fileName] ; FastBinaryFiles`WriteBinary[strm, Flatten[out], Byte] ; Close[strm] ;



With γ=1.5,the new image is darker than the original image.With γ=0.67,the new image is lighter than the original image.Looking at the curves we see that with smaller γ darker areas are spread more over to the lighter gray level,and the reverse happens with higher γ

Created by Mathematica  (October 19, 2004)