Notes written while working on HW1 by Nasser Abbasi (

Course EE 203A, UCI. Digital image processing. UC Irvine, california. Fall 2004.




In matlab, these are some commands I used to display the raster image:



colormap gray


But the above uses gray levels of 0..1 the default in matlab, so I needed to change it to scale the values to 1..256, which is what the raster file format is. This is done like this:


>> colormap gray

>> imagesc(img,[1 256])



Now the image looks the same as from the xv command.

Now I can use matlab to finish the HW.


Wrote a function to do this problem.




>> imfinfo('cat.ras')


ans =


           Filename: 'cat.ras'

        FileModDate: '02-Oct-2004 12:54:49'

           FileSize: 307232

             Format: 'RAS'

      FormatVersion: []

              Width: 640

             Height: 480

           BitDepth: 8

          ColorType: 'indexed'

    FormatSignature: 1.5041e+009

             Length: 307200

               Type: 1

            MapType: 0

          MapLength: 1