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HW2, EGME 431 (Mechanical Vibration)
Date due and handed in March 9,2008

Nasser M. Abbasi

June 17, 2014


1 Problem 2.7
 1.1 Part(a)
 1.2 Part(b)
2 Problem 2.10
3 Problem 2.29
4 Problem 2.46
5 Problem 2.57
 5.1 Part(a)
 5.2 Part(b)

1 Problem 2.7


Solution sketch: Obtain the Lagrangian, find EQM, solve in terms of general initial conditions x(0) = x0   and x_(0) = v0   , then solve parts (a) and (b) using this general solution.

This is one degree of freedom system. Using x as the generalized coordinates, we first obtain the Lagrangian L

L = T − U



Hence the EQM is (using the Lagrangian equation), and F = 10  and ω = 10  rad/sec. (the forcing frequency)


Where   2  -k
ω n = m  . The solution is

x(t)= xh(t) +xp(t)

To obtain xht(t)

¨xh(t) + ω2nxh(t) = 0

Assume xh(t)=  eλt  and substitute in the above ODE we obtain the characteristic equation



xh(t)= A cosωnt+ B sinωnt



Notice, the above guess is valid only under the condition that ω ⁄= ωn  which is the case in this problem. Now, substitute the above 3 equations into (1) we obtain


By comparing coefficients, we obtain


and c1 = 0  , hence

|                      |
| xp(t)= --F2∕m2-sinωt   |
|        (ωn−ω)        |

Then from (2) we obtain


Using (3) in the above

                           F ∕m
x(t) = Acosωnt +B sin ωnt+ (ω2−-ω2-)sin ωt

Now assume x(0 )= x0   and _x(0)=  v0   For the condition x(0) = x0   we obtain

|        |
| x0 = A |

For the condition _x(0)=  v
       0   we obtain



|                    |
| B = vω0− ωω--F2∕m2-  |
|      n   n(ωn−ω )  |

Hence (4) can be written as

                (                  )
                  -v0-  ω----F-∕m---         ---F∕m---
x (t)= x0cosωnt +  ωn − ωn (ω2n − ω2 ) sinωnt+ (ω2n − ω2)sinωt

Let ω-= r
ωn , the above becomes

                (               )
                  v0-  ---Fm-r----         ---F∕m----
x(t)= x0cosωnt+   ωn − ω2 (1 − r2)  sin ωnt+ ω2 (1 − r2) sinωt
                        n                  n

But ω2 = k
 n   m  hence

                (              )
                  v0-  ---Fm-r---         ----Fm----
x(t)= x0cosωnt+   ωn − k (1 − r2)  sin ωnt+ k (1− r2) sinωt
                       m                 m

Therefore, the general solution is

                (              )
x(t)= x0cosωnt+   v0−  F----r--- sin ωnt+ F----1---sin ωt
                  ωn   k (1 − r2)          k (1− r2)

1.1 Part(a)

When x0 = 0,v0 = 0  we obtain from (5)

      (  F    r   )        F    1
x(t)=   − -------2- sinωnt+ -------2-sinωt
         k (1− r )          k(1− r )

Substitute numerical values, and plot the solution. F = 10,ω = 10  rad/sec.                      ∘  2000-            ω    10
,k = 2000,m = 100,ωn =   100-= 4.4721,r = ωn = 4.4721 = 2.2361, then equation (6) becomes


In the following plot, we show the homogeneous solution and the particular solution separately, then show the general solution.


1.2 Part(b)

When x0 = 0.05  and v0 = 0  we obtain from (5)

                  (  F    r   )        F    1
x(t)=  0.05 cos ωnt+  − k-(1−-r2) sinωnt+ -k(1−-r2)sinωt

Substitute numerical values found in part(a), then the solution becomes


In the following plot, we show the homogeneous solution and the particular solution separately, then show the general solution.


2 Problem 2.10


Following the approach taken in problem 2.7, the EQM is

     2   F0
¨x+ ω nx = m  cos ωt

And x(t)= xh(t)+ xp(t)  where xh(t) = Acosωnt+ B sinωnt . For xp(t), guess xp(t) = c1cosωt+ c2sin ωt and following the same steps in problem 2.7, we obtain

     (   2      2 )        (   2     2  )  F0
sin ωt − ω c2+ ωnc2 + cosωt  − ω c1+ ωnc1 =  m cosωt

Notice that the above guess is valid only under the condition that ω ⁄= ωn  . Compare coefficients, we find c2 = 0  and

c  = F0---1---
 1   m ω2n − ω2


xp(t)= F0 ---1---cosωt
        m ω2n − ω2

Then, the general solution is

                         F0 ---1---
x(t)= A cosωnt+ Bsinωnt+  m ω2n − ω2 cosωt

Let, at t = 0  , x(0) = x0   , and x_(0 )= v0   ,then from (1), we find


And since

                                F0    1
_x(t) = − A ωnsin ωnt+ Bωn cos ωnt− ω- -2----2 sinωt
                                 m ωn − ω



Therefore, the general solution is (from (1))

|       (          )                                 |
| x(t)=   x0− F0-21-2 cosωnt+ v0sinωnt+ F0-21-2 cosωt |
|            m ωn−ω           ωn        m ωn−ω        |

To make the response oscillate at frequency ω only, we can set v = 0
 0  to eliminate the sinω  t
    n , and set      F0--1---
x0 = m ωn2−ω2   to eliminate the cosωnt term. Hence, the initial conditions are


3 Problem 2.29


This is one degree of freedom system. Using x along the inclined surface as the generalized coordinates, we first obtain the Lagrangian L


We first note that kΔ = mg cos𝜃 and the mass will lose potential as it slides down the surface. We measure everything from the relaxed position (not the static equilibrium.) This is done to show more clearly that the angle do not affect the solution.

L = T − U





But kΔ = mg cos𝜃 , hence the above reduces to

---= − kx
∂ x

Hence the EQM is (using the Lagrangian equation)


Where   2  -k
ω n = m  . We see that the angle 𝜃 is not in the EQM. Hence the solution does not involve 𝜃 and the oscillation magnitude is not affected by the angle. Intuitively, the reason for this is because the angle effect is already counted for to reach the static equilibrium. Once the system is in static equilibrium, the angle no longer matters as far as the solution is concerned.

4 Problem 2.46


From example 2.4.1, we note the following table


Also, from example 2.4.1, the mass of car 1 is 1007kg and the mass of car 2 is 1585kg . Hence we write


To find the deflection of the car, we use equation 2.70 in the book, which is

     ∘ ----------------
X = Y   (1 − r2)2+ (2ξr)2

Where X is the magnitude of the steady state deflection and Y is the magnitude of the base deflection, which is given as 0.01  meters in the example.

Hence, for each speed, we calculate ωp  and then we find      ∘ -----
ωn =   m1k+mp   and then find r = ωωpn   and then find ξ = -∘--c----
    2 k(m1+mp)  and then using equation(1), we calculate X . This is done for each different speed (all for car m1 ). Next, we do the same for car m2   . These calculation are shown in the following table. Note also that c = 2000  N s/m as given in the example and k = 4 ×104   N/m

car 1

v (km∕h )  ω  = 0.2909 v
  p ω  = ∘ --k--
  n    m1+mp   r = ωp
   ωn   ξ = -∘--c----
    2 k(m1+mp)  X = Y∘ ---1+(2ξr)2--(cm )

20  5.818  5.7567  1.0106  0.14392  3.571

80 23.272 5.7567 4.0426 0.14392 0.0997

100  29.09  5.7567  5.0532  0.14392  0.0718

150 43.635 5.7567 7.5799 0.14392 0.0425

car 2

v (km ∕h)  ωp = 0.2909 v     ∘ -----
ωn =   m2+kmp-       ω
r = ωpn   ξ = ∘---c----
    2 k(m2+mp)        ∘ -------2---
X = Y   --1+2(2ξ2r)-2 (cm)

20  5.818  4.7338  1.229  0.11835  1.7726

80 23.272 4.7338 4.9161 0.11835 0.066141

100  29.09  4.7338  6.1452  0.11835  0.04797

150 43.635 4.7338 9.2178 0.11835 0.02857

Observations: The heavier car (car 2) has smaller defection (X values) for all speeds.  Adding passengers, causes ωn  to change. This results in making the deflection smaller when passengers are in the car as compared without them. Heaver cars and heavier passenger results in smaller deflection values. For the lighter car however, adding the passenger did not result in smaller deflection for all speeds. For speed v = 20  , adding the passenger caused a larger defection (3.19  vs. 3.571  ). As car 1 speed became larger, the deflection became smaller for both cars.

So, in conclusion: lighter cars have larger deflections at bumps, and the faster the car, the smaller the deflection.

5 Problem 2.57


Given                       3
m = 120 kg,k = 800× 10   N/M, c= 500  kg/s, and mass m0   has angular speed of      3000×2π
ωr =   60   = 100π radians per seconds

5.1 Part(a)

The rotating mass will cause a downward force as the result of the centripetal force m0e ω2sin(ωrt)
     r  . Hence the reaction to this force on the machine will be in the upward direction. Hence

Fr = m0eω r sin (ωrt)

Hence the machine equation of motion is


By guessing xp = Xsin(ωrt− 𝜃)  then we find that (The method of undetermined coefficients is used, derivation is show in text book at page 115)

X =  m  ∘ -----22-------2-
          (1− r) + (2ξr)

This is the maximum magnitude of motion in steady state. In the above, r = ωr
    ωn   . Hence to find X we substitute the given values in the above expression. We first note that we are told that      2
m0eω r = 374N , hence moe = 3ω72r4   but we found that ωr = 100 π rad/sec, hence

moe=  ------2-= 0.0037894
      (100 π )


    ω    100π     100 π
r = -r-= ∘----= ∘--------= 3.8476
    ωn      km      8001×21003-


    --c---  -------500-------
ξ = 2√km--= 2√800-×-103×-120-= 0.025516

Substitute into (2) we obtain


5.2 Part(b)

We are told that mo = 0.01× m , hence mo = 0.01 ×120 = 1.2kg . And since we are told that     2
m0eωr = 374N , then

    374        374
e= ----2 = -----------2 = 3.1578 × 10−3 meter
   m0 ωr   1.2× (100π)