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Physics 240 Syllabus (Spring 2002)

* Instructor: Prof Alejandro Garcia

0 Office: Science 245, (408) 924-5244, (408) 924-2917 [FAX]

E-mail: alaarcia

WWW: www.algarcia.org

Office Hours: also by appointment.

Course description: This course will present an introduction to a variety of numerical methods
applied to problems in physics. An undergraduate background in science or engineering and
some familiarity with computer programming is required.

Enrollment: The course is open to any SJSU student; others should enroll through Open
Univers .

Textbook: Numerical Methods for Physics, 2nd Edition, A.L. Garcia, Prentice Hall (2000). For
info on the text, go to http://www.algarcia.org/nummeth/nummeth.httnL

Language: You may use any language you wish to complete the assigriments. I regularly use C,
C-~+, FORTRAN and MATLAB but can also read several others. A student edition of
MATLAB, which includes a manual, is available in the bookstore (look under the computer
science or engineering textbooks). For information on how to download the programs in the
textbook go to htti)://www.algarcia.orp-/nummeth/nummeth.html

Homework: Exercises will be assigned continuously. Most of the exercises involve
programming projects. The homework will count 85% of the course grade. Homework exercises
may be turned in by fax (408-924-2917) or by e-mail sent as PDF files (please limit attachments
to less than 2 Megabytes). Late homework will not be accepted.

Exams: There will be one midterm exam that counts for 15% of the grade; there is no final

Computer Access: You may use any computers at your disposal.

Emergencies: if you hear a continuous alarm or are told to evacuate the building, walk quickly
to the nearest stairway at the end of each hall. Do not use the elevator. Take your personal
belongings with you. Be quiet and follow instructions. Move away from the building and do not
return until informed by police or coordinators.