HW 3.14

Nasser Abbasi



» nma_orbit


  nma_orbit - Program to compute the orbit of a comet.


Enter initial radial distance (AU): 1

Enter initial tangential velocity (AU/yr): pi/2

Enter alpha constant for the problem:0.02

Enter number of steps: 300

Enter time step (yr): 0.005

Max r occured at time step=1, norm(r)=1 AU, angle=0 degree

formula says -46.6602 degree

Max r occured at time step=34, norm(r)=0.998302 AU, angle=-47.6152 degree

formula says -44.488 degree

Max r occured at time step=65, norm(r)=0.994744 AU, angle=-91.8046 degree

formula says -41.6312 degree

Max r occured at time step=99, norm(r)=0.999155 AU, angle=-140.422 degree

formula says -46.1857 degree

Max r occured at time step=130, norm(r)=0.99318 AU, angle=175.068 degree

formula says -40.4269 degree

Max r occured at time step=163, norm(r)=0.99966 AU, angle=126.568 degree

formula says -46.6301 degree

Max r occured at time step=194, norm(r)=0.999733 AU, angle=80.069 degree

formula says -46.6631 degree

Max r occured at time step=228, norm(r)=0.996806 AU, angle=32.1933 degree

formula says -43.5446 degree

Max r occured at time step=258, norm(r)=0.98758 AU, angle=-15.6186 degree

formula says -36.5409 degree

Max r occured at time step=293, norm(r)=0.999583 AU, angle=-59.831 degree

formula says -46.6148 degree





% nma_orbit - Program to compute the orbit of a comet.

clear all;  help nma_orbit;  % Clear memory and print header



% Nasser Abbasi, HW 3.14 Modified from teacher orbit.m


%* Set initial position and velocity of the comet.

r0 = input('Enter initial radial distance (AU): '); 

v0 = input('Enter initial tangential velocity (AU/yr): ');


r_now = [r0 0]; 

v_now = [0 v0];



% Save initial angle, since I'll need this to find

% the number of time steps it takes to cycle back to it.

% which tells me how long one revolution it


initialAngleInRadian = atan2(r_now(2),r_now(1));


alpha = input('Enter alpha constant for the problem:');


state = [ r_now(1) r_now(2) v_now(1) v_now(2) ];   % Used by R-K routines



% Parameter to pass to the R-K integrator via rk4.


param = struct( 'alpha',0, ...



%* Set physical parameters (mass, G*M)

param.GM     = 4*pi^2;   % Grav. const. * Mass of Sun (au^3/yr^2)

param.alpha  = alpha;    % constant for the force factor, see problem description.

mass         = 1.;       % Mass of comet

adaptErr     = 1.e-3; % Error parameter used by adaptive Runge-Kutta

time         = 0;


%* Loop over desired number of steps using specified

%  numerical method.

nStep = input('Enter number of steps: ');

tau   = input('Enter time step (yr): ');


numberOfSignChanges         = 0;

lastAngle                   = initialAngleInRadian;

revolutionNumber            = 0;

numberOfStepsLastRevolution = 0;

iStepUpToLastRevolution     = 0;



for iStep=1:nStep 


  %timeValue(iStep)= time;


  %* Record position and energy for plotting.

  rplot(iStep)     = norm(r_now);           % Record position for polar plot


  thplot(iStep)    = atan2(r_now(2),r_now(1));



  % L, the anguler momentum is tracked.  

  L(iStep) =  norm(r_now) * norm(v_now);



  % This is extra, I keep track of how many time steps it

  % takes to make one revolution to plot at the end.


  if( thplot(iStep) * lastAngle < 0 ) 

      numberOfSignChanges = numberOfSignChanges + 1;

      if( numberOfSignChanges == 2 )

          revolutionNumber            = revolutionNumber + 1;

          numberOfStepsLastRevolution = iStep - iStepUpToLastRevolution;

          iStepUpToLastRevolution     = iStep;

          numberOfStepsPerRevolution( revolutionNumber ) = numberOfStepsLastRevolution;

          numberOfSignChanges         = 0;




  lastAngle        = thplot(iStep);


  tplot(iStep)     = time;

  kinetic(iStep)   = .5*mass*norm(v_now)^2;   % Record energies

  potential(iStep) = - param.GM*mass/norm(r_now); 


  [state time tau] = rka(state,time,tau,adaptErr,'nma_HW_3_14_deriv',param);

  r_now       = [state(1) state(2)];       % 4th order Runge-Kutta

  v_now       = [state(3) state(4)];







% ignore the first revolution, since it could have started anywhere, then look

% for 2 complete revlutions, and use always revolution 2 and 3 to find the

% precesses angle


if( revolutionNumber < 3 )

    fprintf('Please run the simulation for longer time, need at least 2 complete revolutions!');





% extra: I have at least 2 revolutions, plot time it takes to make one

% revolution. We will see each revolution is taking less time to compelte

% than the last one




title('number of time steps to complete one revolution');

xlabel('Revolution number');

ylabel('Number time steps to complete the revolution');

Axis([1 revolutionNumber 0 max(numberOfStepsPerRevolution)]);




% find the all the indexes where max norm(r) occured

% I need to do this, since this tells me the angles needed











  if( i > length(rplot))




  if(rplot(i) < rplot(i-1))

     if( ~maxRecorded)


         maxNorm(j,1) = rplot(i-1); %column 1 has the norm

         maxNorm(j,2) = i-1;        %column 2 has the index

         maxRecorded  =1;



      maxRecorded =0;






% Plot the time steps at which max norm(r) occured




title('Time steps where position vector was maximum');

xlabel('Time step');

ylabel('Norm(r) in AU');



    angleInDegree= thplot(maxNorm(i,2)) * 180 / pi;

    fprintf('Max r occured at time step=%d, norm(r)=%g AU, angle=%g degree\n', ...

             maxNorm(i,2),maxNorm(i,1), angleInDegree );


    a = sqrt( 1 + ((param.GM * param.alpha)/ L(maxNorm(i,2))^2)  );

    formulaPrecess= 360*(1-a)/a;

    fprintf('formula says %g degree\n',formulaPrecess);



%* Graph the trajectory of the comet.


polar(thplot,rplot,'-');  % Use polar plot for graphing orbit

xlabel('Distance (AU)');  grid;

S=sprintf('Initial radial=%g (AU), Initial V=%g (AU/yr), tau=%g (AU yr), nStep=%d, Alpha=%g',r0,v0,tau,nStep,alpha);


pause(1)   % Pause for 1 second before drawing next plot


%* Graph the energy of the comet versus time.


totalE = kinetic + potential;   % Total energy



xlabel('Time (yr)'); ylabel('Energy (M AU^2/yr^2)');



function deriv = nma_HW_3_14_deriv(s,t,param)

%  Returns right-hand side of Kepler ODE; used by Runge-Kutta routines

%  Moified for problem 3.14


%  Inputs

%    s      State vector [r(1) r(2) v(1) v(2)]

%    t      Time (not used)

%    param  Parameter struct

%  Output

%    deriv  Derivatives [dr(1)/dt dr(2)/dt dv(1)/dt dv(2)/dt]


% Nasser Abbasi, feb 19. 2002.


%* Compute acceleration

r = [s(1) s(2)];  % Unravel the vector s into position and velocity

v = [s(3) s(4)];


accel = - param.GM*r/norm(r)^3;  % Gravitational acceleration

accel = accel * (1 - (param.alpha/norm(r)) );


%* Return derivatives [dr(1)/dt dr(2)/dt dv(1)/dt dv(2)/dt]

deriv = [v(1) v(2) accel(1) accel(2)];
