Problem 2.6

By Nasser Abbasi


Part (a)



% nma_balle_HW_2_6 - Program to analyse Galilo 2 inches claim


%by Nasser Abbasi, HW 2.6 (a)

%PHYS 240, San Jose State Univ.


% Algorithm:


% Drop the heavy ball, from rest, from a height of Y

% meters, vertically downwards. record the time it takes

% to reach the ground using Cd=0.5.


% Then at this time, according to Galilo, the small ball was

% 2 inches above the ground.


% So, use this time and run the simulatiom again using the small ball

% and find what Cd is needed to cause the small ball to be 2 inches above

% the ground when the time, found in the first simulation, has elapsed.


% i.e. drop the small ball, and keep adjusting the Cd, such that

% after the above amount of time, the small ball would have travled

% all the way to the ground less 2 inches.


% determine if such a Cd is realistic.



clear;  help nma_balle_HW_2_6;  % Clear memory and print header


DELTA = 0.0508;  % 2 inches expressed in meter units.


tau   = input('Enter timestep, tau (sec): ');  % (sec)


%*Set initial position and velocity of the baseball

initialY         = input('Height to drop the balls from (Meter):');

initialPos       = [0, initialY];     % Initial vector position

initialVelosity  = [0 0];             % drop from rest


% Get the mass of the two balls, and find A for each.

%use SI units everywhere

mass_1  = input('first  ball mass (lb):');

mass_2  = input('second ball mass (lb):');


% keep mass_1 as the larger one

if(mass_1 < mass_2)

   temp   = mass_1;

   mass_1 = mass_2;

   mass_2 = temp;



mass_1  = 0.4536 * mass_1 %convert from lb to KG

mass_2  = 0.4536 * mass_2 %convert from lb to KG


densityOfMetal = 7.8*1000;               % in KG/M^3

volume_1       = mass_1/densityOfMetal;  % in M^3

volume_2       = mass_2/densityOfMetal;  % in M^3


%find r from Volume= 4/3 PI  r^3


%                 V

%   r^3=       --------

%              (4/3  PI)


radius_1= ( volume_1 / ((4/3)*pi) )^(1/3);    % in M

radius_2= ( volume_2 / ((4/3)*pi) )^(1/3);    % in M


% find drag area, which is the cross sectional area of the sphere

area_1 = pi*(radius_1^2)   % in m^2

area_2 = pi*(radius_2^2)   % in m^2


% Set physical parameters (mass, Cd, etc.)

Cd  = 0.5;      % Drag coefficient (dimensionless)

g   = 9.81;     % Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2) near surface of earth

rho = 1.2;      % density of air



airConst        = -0.5*Cd*rho*area_1;  % Air resistance constant

istep           = 0;

currentPos      = initialPos; 

currentVelosity = initialVelosity;  % Set initial position and velocity


while( currentPos(2) > 0 )

  istep       = istep+1;

  currentTime = (istep-1)*tau;      


  % Calculate the acceleration of the ball

  accel    = (1/mass_1)*airConst*norm(currentVelosity)*currentVelosity;  % Air resistance

  accel(2) = accel(2)-g;      % Gravity


  % Calculate the new position and velocity using Euler method

  currentPos      = currentPos + (tau* currentVelosity);  % Euler step

  currentVelosity = currentVelosity + tau*accel;      



% this is the time it took the heavy ball to reach the ground.

recordedTime = currentTime;


fprintf('Time for heavy ball to reach the ground is %g (sec)\n', recordedTime);


%Now drop the small ball, force it to reach 2 inchess above the ground

%at the same time the large ball above reached the ground. change Cd to

%force this to happen.


isFoundCd = 0;

currentCd = 0.51;


while( ~isFoundCd )


   % we keep reducing air resistance, untill the small ball

   % reaches 2 inches above the graound at the same time as the

   % the large ball

   currentCd       = currentCd-0.01;


   airConst        = -0.5*currentCd*rho*area_2;  % Air resistance constant

   istep           = 0;

   currentTime     = 0;

   currentVelosity = initialVelosity;

   currentPos      = initialPos;

   accel           = [0 0];


   while( currentTime <= recordedTime )


      istep       = istep+1;

      currentTime = (istep-1)*tau;     % Current time


      %* Calculate the acceleration of the ball

      accel    = (1/mass_2)*airConst*norm(currentVelosity)*currentVelosity;   % Air resis

      accel(2) = accel(2)-g;      % Gravity


      %* Calculate the new position and velocity using Euler method

      currentPos      = currentPos + (tau* currentVelosity);  % Euler step

      currentVelosity = currentVelosity + tau*accel;      



   if( currentPos(2) <= DELTA )






fprintf('Cd that will cause the small ball to reach the ground 2 inches behind the largers one is=%g\n',currentCd);

fprintf('Speed the small ball was at when it reached 2 inches before the ground =%g (M/S)\n',currentVelosity(2));

fprintf('diameter of small ball=%g Meter\n', radius_1*2);







» nma_balle_HW_2_6


  nma_balle_HW_2_6 - Program to analyse Galilo 2 inches claim


Enter timestep, tau (sec): 0.001

Height to drop the balls from (Meter):50

first  ball mass (lb):100

second ball mass (lb):1


mass_1 =





mass_2 =





area_1 =





area_2 =




Time for heavy ball to reach the ground is 3.2 (sec)

Cd that will cause the small ball to reach the ground 2 inches behind the largers one is=0.16

Speed the small ball was at when it reached 2 inches before the ground =-31.0135 (M/S)

diameter of small ball=0.223114 Meter





Cd, the drag coefficient, for a smooth sphere, had to be reduced all the way to 0.16 to cause the small ball to reach the ground 2 inches behind the heavy ball.


Looking at the chart, for Cd=0.16, Reynold number is about 300,000




Reynold number = V*diameter/Viscosity.


The small ball had a speed of 31 M/S when it reached 2 inches above the ground, and diameter of the ball is  0.223114 Meter. So Viscosity of air had to be


Viscosity = V*diameter/300,000= 31*0.223114/300,000= 2.3055 x 10^-5  M^2 per second.


Which is about  65% higher than the expected value of 1.5x10^-5 M^2 per second. So, this means the small ball being 2 inches behind the large ball when the large ball reached the ground does not agree with the given number for viscosity of air.





Part ( C )

Cd is 0.16, which is derived in part (a). Please see part(a) for how Cd was found.