HW 3, 1.22

By Nasser Abbasi, PYS 240. Feb 2, 2002.


Part  (b)

Obtain an expression for n!! in terms on n!


n!!= n (n-2) (n-4) (n-6) …

n!  =n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)….




(2n)!! = (2n) (2n-2) (2n-4) (2n-6) ….


(2n)!! = (2n)  [2(n-1)]  [2(n-2)]  [2(n-3)]  [2(n-4)] ….


(2n)!! = [2*2*2*2…..] [ n (n-1) (n-2) (n-3) ….]


(2n)!! = (2^n) n!




Log( 2n!!) = log 2^n + log( n!)


Log( 2n!!) = n log 2   + log( n! )   -------- (1)


So, for large number n, we use Sterling equation to find (n)!, then we find 2n!! from the above.


Sterling equation for large n is


Log(n!) = ½ log(2 n pi) + n log(n) –n + log(1+ 1/(12 n) + 1/(288 n^2))


So, for large n, and using equation (1) above


Log( 2n!!) = n log 2 + { ½ log(2 n pi) + n log(n) –n + log(1+ 1/(12 n) + 1/(288 n^2)) }


Let m = 2n




Log( m!! ) = (m/2) log 2  +  {  ½ log(m pi) + m/2 log( m/2) – m/2 + log(1+ 1/(6 m) + 1/(288 (m/2)^2)) }


The above equation is what I’ll use in part C.


part( C )

Write a program that prints out n!! by evaluating it using Stirling approximation when n>30, compute 10000!!, 314159!!, and (6.02 x 10^23)!!


Source code


function [realPart, powerToTen]= nma_doubleFactorialSterling(n)

% FUNCTION [realPart,powerToTen]=nma_doubleFactorialSterling(n)


% compute double factorial of a number using the Sterling

% approximation.



%   n:  The number to find double factorial for.


%   output is returned in the form of   [realPart,powerOfTen]

%   where n!! = realPart x 10^(powerToTen)


% realPart : the value in the above expression.

% powerToTen : the power to raise 10 to as shown in the above expression.


% This program also prints the final n!! number for

% display purposes.


% by Nasser Abbasi

% HW 3, 1.22. part C. PHY 240, Feb 2, 2002


% design notes:


% Use this equation, derived in part (b)


% Log( n!! ) = (n/2) log 2  +  {  1/2 log(n pi) + n/2 log( n/2) - n/2 + log(1+ 1/(6 n) + 1/(288 (n/2)^2)) }




if nargin ~=1

    error('missing input argument');



if n <= 0

    error('positive value is expected');



sterlingTerm = sterlingLogNFactorial(n);

v = ((n/2) * log(2) ) + sterlingTerm;





% convert to log base.

% recall, v here is log(n!!)


% so use the conversion log10(x) = log10(e) * log(x)


        v =  log10(exp(1)) * v;


        powerToTen = floor(v);

        realPart = v - powerToTen;


        % since log10(n!!) = A + B

        % so, n!! = 10 ^(A+B) = 10^A * 10^B 

        % where A is the powerToTen, and 10^B will be the realPart.


        realPart = 10^realPart;


        disp(sprintf('%d!! = %f x 10^%d',n,realPart,powerToTen));







function [v]= sterlingLogNFactorial(n)

% finds sterling term expressed by this equation derived in part (b):

% 1/2 log(n pi) + n/2 log( n/2) - n/2 + log(1+ 1/(6 n) + 1/(288 (n/2)^2)) }


v= (1/2) * log(n*pi);

v= v + ( (n/2) * log(n/2) );

v= v - n/2;

v= v + log( 1 + 1/(6*n) + 1/(288*(n/2)^2) );






» help nma_doubleFactorialSterling


  FUNCTION [realPart,powerToTen]=nma_doubleFactorialSterling(n)


  compute double factorial of a number using the Sterling




    n:  The number to find double factorial for.


    output is returned in the form of   [realPart,powerOfTen]

    where n!! = realPart x 10^(powerToTen)


  realPart : the value in the above expression.

  powerToTen : the power to raise 10 to as shown in the above expression.


  This program also prints the final n!! number for

  display purposes.



Example 1


» clear all

» [A,B]= nma_doubleFactorialSterling(1000)

1000!! = 3.993984 x 10^1284


A =





B =











Example 2





» clear all

» [A,B]= nma_doubleFactorialSterling(2001)

2001!! = 1.928935 x 10^2870


A =





B =





Example 3




» clear all

» [A,B]= nma_doubleFactorialSterling(10000)

10000!! = 5.972727 x 10^17830


A =





B =














Example 4




» clear all

» [A,B]= nma_doubleFactorialSterling(314159)

314159!! = 5.406120 x 10^795273


A =





B =





Example 5




» clear all

» [A,B]= nma_doubleFactorialSterling(6.02*10^23)

6.020000e+023!! = 1.000000 x 10^7.026936e+024


A =





B =



