Problem 1.13, PHY 240

Nasser Abbasi , Feb 2, 2002.


The source code


% nma_orthog - Program that accepts a pair of three

% dimensional vectors and outputs a unit vector that is

% orthogonal to the input vectors


% HW3, 1.13, PHY 240, San Jose State Univ. Feb 2, 2002.


clear all; help nma_orthog;



% My review notes:

% on dot product:


% The dot product between 2 vectors A, B is defined as

% |A| |B| cos PHI, where PHI is the angle between the

% vectors, and |X| means the length of the vector X.


% since COS 90 is zero, then if the dot product is zero, then

% this means the vectors are orthogonal. (assuming the

% length of the vector is both not zero).


% dot product for vectors A and B, assuming x,y,z

% coordinates is


% A(x) B(x) + A(y) B(y) + A(z) B(z)


% on CROSS product:

% the CROSS product of two vectors, is a vector that is

% orthogonal the plane of other two vectors, and whose

% length is the length of the two vectors multiplied.

% in geometry, the CROSS product is seen as:


% A x B = |A| |B| sin(PHI)


% where PHI is the angle between the two vectors.


% CROSS product is also defined as:


% A x B = ( a1 i + a2 j + a3 k) x  (b1 i + b2 j + b3 k)

% where a1, a2, a3 are the x,y,z coordinates for A, and

% similarly b1,b2,b3 for B.


% Using these rules: (for right handed rule):


%  i x j = k

%  j x k = i

%  k x i = j

%  and

%  j x i = -k

%  k x j = -i

%  ix k = -j


% Using these, we find:


%  A x B = (a2b3 - a3b2)i + (a3b1 - a1b3)j + (a1b2 - a2b1)k


% in determinant form, cross product between A and B is


%   | i    j    k|       

%   | a1  a2   a3| 

%   | b1  b2   b3|



% So, I'll use the above equation to find AxB.

% finally, to obtain the UNIT vector, we divid by the

% length of the vector, i.e. 


%  C = A X B

%  Unit vector in direction of C is  C / |C|


% Where the length of C is SQRT( c1^2 + c2^2 + c3^3)

% where c1,c2,c3 are the coordinates of the vector C.



%* Initialize the vectors A and B


% Notice, No checking done on the input by the user, assumes

% valid input for a vector.



A = input('Enter the first vector A: ');

B = input('Enter the second vector B: ');


% Now apply the cross product rule

C(1)= A(2)*B(3) - A(3)*B(2);

C(2)= A(3)*B(1) - A(1)*B(3);

C(3)= A(1)*B(2) - A(2)*B(1);


S=sprintf('\nCross product vector C=AxB is [%g %g %g]\n', C(1),C(2),C(3) );



if( C(1)==0 & C(2)==0 & C(3) == 0 )   

    disp('Vectors A and B are parallel, cross product vector C is zero, please try again');


    length = sqrt( C(1)^2 + C(2)^2 + C(3)^2 );

    C = C ./ length;

    S=sprintf('Length of C is %g, Unit vector orthogonal to plane of A and B is [%g %g %g]\n', length, C(1),C(2),C(3) );









Example runs


Example 1


» nma_orthog


  nma_orthog - Program that accepts a pair of three

  dimensional vectors and outputs a unit vector that is

  orthogonal to the input vectors


Enter the first vector A: [1 0 0]

Enter the second vector B: [4 0 0]


Cross product vector C=AxB is [0 0 0]


Vectors A and B are parallel, cross product vector C is zero, please try again




Example 2


» nma_orthog


  nma_orthog - Program that accepts a pair of three

  dimensional vectors and outputs a unit vector that is

  orthogonal to the input vectors


Enter the first vector A: [1 1 0]

Enter the second vector B: [0 0 1]


Cross product vector C=AxB is [1 -1 0]


Length of C is 1.41421, Unit vector orthogonal to plane of A and B is [0.707107  -0.707107  0]



Example 3




» nma_orthog


  nma_orthog - Program that accepts a pair of three

  dimensional vectors and outputs a unit vector that is

  orthogonal to the input vectors


Enter the first vector A: [1 1 1]

Enter the second vector B: [1 -2 1]


Cross product vector C=AxB is [3 0 -3]


Length of C is 4.24264, Unit vector orthogonal to plane of A and B is [0.707107  0  -0.707107]



Example 4



» nma_orthog


  nma_orthog - Program that accepts a pair of three

  dimensional vectors and outputs a unit vector that is

  orthogonal to the input vectors


Enter the first vector A: [1 2 3]

Enter the second vector B: [3 2 1]


Cross product vector C=AxB is [-4 8 -4]


Length of C is 9.79796, Unit vector orthogonal to plane of A and B is [-0.408248  0.816497  -0.408248]

