Problem 10.6

Nasser Abbasi



The program will return an array that contain all roots for a legendre polynomial or order n. So root m is the element m in the array. Comparing this to table 10.7, the results agree.


These are example runs for number of different order n.


» clear all

» r=nma_legendreRoot(1)


r =




» r=nma_legendreRoot(2)


r =


   -0.5774    0.5774


» r=nma_legendreRoot(3)


r =


   -0.7746         0    0.7746


» r=nma_legendreRoot(4)


r =


   -0.8611   -0.3400    0.3400    0.8611


» r=nma_legendreRoot(5)


r =


   -0.9062   -0.5385         0    0.5385    0.9062


» r=nma_legendreRoot(6)


r =


   -0.9325   -0.6612   -0.2386    0.2386    0.6612    0.9325


» r=nma_legendreRoot(7)


r =


   -0.9491   -0.7415   -0.4058         0    0.4058    0.7415    0.9491



» r=nma_legendreRoot(8)


r =


   -0.9603   -0.7967   -0.5255   -0.1834    0.1834    0.5255    0.7967   0.9603


» r=nma_legendreRoot(9)


r =


   -0.9682   -0.8360   -0.6134   -0.3243         0    0.3243    0.6134    0.8360    0.9682


» r=nma_legendreRoot(10)


r =



   -0.9739   -0.8651   -0.6794   -0.4334   -0.1489    0.1489    0.4334   0.6794    0.8651    0.9739


» r=nma_legendreRoot(11)


r =


    -0.9782   -0.8871   -0.7302   -0.5191   -0.2695         0    0.2695   0.5191    0.7302    0.8871    0.9782


» r=nma_legendreRoot(12)


r =


   -0.9816   -0.9041   -0.7699   -0.5873   -0.3678   -0.1252    0.1252   0.3678    0.5873    0.7699    0.9041    0.9816


» r=nma_legendreRoot(13)


r =



 -0.9842   -0.9176   -0.8016   -0.6423   -0.4485   -0.2305         0     0.2305    0.4485    0.6423    0.8016    0.9176    0.9842



Source code


function roots_ = nma_legendreRoot(n)

%function nma_legendreRoot(n)


%Finds all roots for the legendre polynomial Pn(x).



%  n: the order of the legendre polynomial



%  roots: a vector that contains all roots for this order

%         the length of the vector is the number of roots.


%by Nasser Abbbasi, HW 10.6


% Design:

%       for n=1, root 1 is zero.

%       roots are all real.

%       roots are interwindes. i.e.


%        first root for first order, r(1,1) =  0


%    so  first root for second order,  r(2,1) < r(1,1)

%        second root for second order, r(2,2) > r(1,1)


%    so  first root for third order,  r(3,1)   < r(2,1)

%        second root for third order, r(3,2)   > r(2,1) and less than r(2,2)

%        third root for third order,  r(3,3)   > r(2,2)


%    so  first root for 4th order,    r(4,1)   < r(3,1)

%        second root for 4th order,   r(4,2)   > r(3,1) and less than r(3,2)

%        third root for 4th order,    r(4,3)   > r(3,2) and less than r(3,3)

%        fourth root for 4th order,   4(4,4)   > r(3,3)


% i.e. we have a tree as shown below, where the number of nodes

% at each level is the order n of the polynomial, and the nodes

% are the roots for that polynomial order.



%                       x              n=1

%                   x       x          n=2

%               x       x      x       n=3

%           x       x       x    x     n=4


% So at each level, I make an array of guesses, which I'll use

% to find the roots at this level. At the next level, I'll use

% the roots found at the above level as the guess.

% This continues untill last level (leaves of the tree) is reached.


% To find the roots from the guesses, Use Newton method.

% To evaluate Pn(x), use the recusrion formula 10.15 in the book,

% which is allready implemented in the function legndr.


% To evaluate P'n(x), use the formula given in the problem 10.6.






   error('order of legendre polynomial must be greater than zero');








EPS=0.01;  % some small increment to add to x as we get close to the root.


r(1) = 0; 

maxNumberOfIter = 10;  % for netwon, stop after this many iters unless got a root.



    % do the edge guesses first

    guess(1)   = r(1)-EPS;   

    guess(i)   = r(end)+EPS;


    % now do the internal roots guesses, take half way between

    % above level 2 adjacent roots. see tree diagram above.



        m       = abs( r(k) - r(k-1) )/2;

        guess(k)= m + r(k-1);



    % now that we have the guess for this level, find the

    % roots at this level. Then use these for the next level lower

    % roots guesses.

    % Use Newton method  Xn+1 = Xn - P/P’


    for(N = 1:length(guess))   % find all roots from guesses

        x = guess(N);

        for(k = 1:maxNumberOfIter)

           pn   = legndr(i,x);  % supplied by prof.

           % note: pn(1) is p0, pn(2) is p1, etc...

           pd   = derivativeP(i,x,pn(i+1),pn(i));

           newX = x - (pn(i+1)/pd);             

           if(newX == x )

               x = newX;



           x = newX;


        thisLevelRoots(N) = x;


    r = thisLevelRoots;  % for use by next iteration




% Ok, done, return the roots


roots_ = r;





% Function that find P' for a given n,x



function pd = derivativeP(n,x,pn,pn_1)


   pd = (n*x*pn - n*pn_1)/(x^2-1);

