Problem 5.27

Nasser Abbasi


Analysis and output

Modified the pendulum program to plot the power spectrum (and fourier transform) of the simple pendulum angular motion.  This is an example of a run using  small angle and one using a large angle:


Large angle run:


» nma_problem_5_27


  problem_5_27 - Program to compute the motion of a simple pendulum

  and find the power spectrum  for theta(t) (angular displacment)

  time series.

  modified from original pendul.m by Nasser Abbasi to do

  spectrum analysis.


Enter initial angle (in degrees): 170

Enter time step: 0.1

Enter number of time steps: 1024

Turning point at time t= 3.900000

Turning point at time t= 11.500000

Turning point at time t= 19.200000

Turning point at time t= 26.900000

Turning point at time t= 34.500000

Turning point at time t= 42.200000

Turning point at time t= 49.900000

Turning point at time t= 57.500000

Turning point at time t= 65.200000

Turning point at time t= 72.900000

Turning point at time t= 80.500000

Turning point at time t= 88.200000

Turning point at time t= 95.900000

Average period = 15.3333 +/- 0.0273115



Now, still in the large angle run, I used matlab zoom functionality to zoom more into the part of the power spectrum and fourier transform to see the multiple peaks, they can be clearly seen. Notice in the FFT, the peaks are there but not as clear as in the power spectrum plot


Now I run the program for a small angle to see the difference:

» nma_problem_5_27


  problem_5_27 - Program to compute the motion of a simple pendulum

  and find the power spectrum  for theta(t) (angular displacment)

  time series.

  modified from original pendul.m by Nasser Abbasi to do

  spectrum analysis.


Enter initial angle (in degrees): 20

Enter time step: 0.1

Enter number of time steps: 1024

Turning point at time t= 1.600000

Turning point at time t= 4.800000

Turning point at time t= 8.000000

Turning point at time t= 11.100000

Turning point at time t= 14.300000

Turning point at time t= 17.500000

Turning point at time t= 20.600000

Turning point at time t= 23.800000

Turning point at time t= 26.900000

Turning point at time t= 30.100000

Turning point at time t= 33.300000

Turning point at time t= 36.400000

Turning point at time t= 39.600000

Turning point at time t= 42.800000

Turning point at time t= 45.900000

Turning point at time t= 49.100000

Turning point at time t= 52.300000

Turning point at time t= 55.400000

Turning point at time t= 58.600000

Turning point at time t= 61.800000

Turning point at time t= 64.900000

Turning point at time t= 68.100000

Turning point at time t= 71.200000

Turning point at time t= 74.400000

Turning point at time t= 77.600000

Turning point at time t= 80.700000

Turning point at time t= 83.900000

Turning point at time t= 87.100000

Turning point at time t= 90.200000

Turning point at time t= 93.400000

Turning point at time t= 96.600000

Turning point at time t= 99.700000

Average period = 6.32903 +/- 0.0171959



Again, use matlab zoom to look at closer:


So, as the angle is increased we see side peaks show up. Now I need to answer the next question asking for the relation between the frequencies of these peaks.


The peaks look like they are spaced uniformally, at a distance of about 0.14 Hz from each others (when running for angle 170 degrees).  The power of each peak becomes smaller at higher frequencies. At 2 Hz frequency, the peaks dissapeared. Noticed also that the windowed version of the data shows the peaks much more clearly.



I am not sure how to explain these peaks. Obvisouly the time series of the angular displacement of the pendulum shows it can be build from time serises of those made of those sub frequencies we see above. Equation 2.37 in the book shows the period of a simple pendulum as



so, since the period T is a function of the sin of the maximum angle, and using taylor expansion for the sin function, one can see that the period T can be expressed as a series expansion in terms of theta. Hence as we take more terms of the sum, we get closer to the actual period T.  The peaks we see for the power spectrum of the angular displacement could be related to each partial sum of the series for the different periods depending on the length of the series taken?


Source code

% problem_5_27 - Program to compute the motion of a simple pendulum

% and find the power spectrum  for theta(t) (angular displacment)

% time series.

% modified from original pendul.m by Nasser Abbasi to do

% spectrum analysis.


clear all;  help nma_problem_5_27; % Clear the memory and print header


%* Set initial position and velocity of pendulum

theta0 = input('Enter initial angle (in degrees): ');

theta = theta0*pi/180;   % Convert angle to radians

omega = 0;               % Set the initial velocity


%* Set the physical constants and other variables

g_over_L = 1;            % The constant g/L

time = 0;                % Initial time

irev = 0;                % Used to count number of reversals

tau = input('Enter time step: ');


%* Take one backward step to start Verlet

accel = -g_over_L*sin(theta);    % Gravitational acceleration

theta_old = theta - omega*tau + 0.5*tau^2*accel;   


%* Loop over desired number of steps with given time step

%    and numerical method

nstep = input('Enter number of time steps: ');

for istep=1:nstep 


  %* Record angle and time for plotting

  t_plot(istep) = time;           

  th_plot(istep) = theta*180/pi;   % Convert angle to degrees

  time = time + tau;


  %* Compute new position and velocity using

  %    Euler or Verlet method

  accel = -g_over_L*sin(theta);    % Gravitational acceleration


  theta_new = 2*theta - theta_old + tau^2*accel;

  theta_old = theta;               % Verlet method

  theta = theta_new; 


  %* Test if the pendulum has passed through theta = 0;

  %    if yes, use time to estimate period

  if( theta*theta_old < 0 )  % Test position for sign change

      fprintf('Turning point at time t= %f \n',time);

      if( irev == 0 )          % If this is the first change,

         time_old = time;       % just record the time


         period(irev) = 2*(time - time_old);

         time_old = time;


      irev = irev + 1;       % Increment the number of reversals





%* Estimate period of oscillation, including error bar

AvePeriod = mean(period);

ErrorBar = std(period)/sqrt(irev);

fprintf('Average period = %g +/- %g\n', AvePeriod,ErrorBar);


%* Graph the oscillations as theta versus time

clf;  figure(gcf);         % Clear and forward figure window


xlabel('Time');  ylabel('\theta (degrees)');



% power spectrum



f(1:nstep) = (0:(nstep-1))/(tau*nstep);      % Frequency scale


th_fft   = fft(th_plot);    % Fourier transform of z displacement

th_spect = abs(th_fft).^2;  % Power spectrum of z displacement


%* Apply the Hanning window to the time series and calculate

%  the resulting power spectrum

window = 0.5*(1-cos(2*pi*((1:nstep)-1)/nstep)); % Hanning window

th_w = th_plot' .* window';          % Windowed time series

th_w_fft = fft(th_w);              % Fourier transf. (windowed data)

th_spectw = abs(th_w_fft).^2;      % Power spectrum (windowed data)


%* Graph the power spectra for original and windowed data




title('Power spectrum for theta displacments (dashed is windowed data)');

xlabel('Frequency'); ylabel('Power');




% plot the fourier transform of theta(t) to see the

% frequncies





title('Fourier transform of theta(t), angular displacment');

ylabel('fourier transform');

xlabel('frequncy Hz');