HW 4.20

Nasser Abbasi

Part a



» newtn


  newtn - Program to solve a system of nonlinear equations

  using Newton's method.  Equations defined by function fnewt.


Enter the initial guess (row vector): [10 10]

Enter the parameter a: [10 10^-5 0.1 10 0.1]

Enter number of step to iterate:20

Enter name of your fnewt M file to be called:'nma_HW_4_20_part_a_fnewt'

After 20 iterations the root is

0          0





» newtn


  newtn - Program to solve a system of nonlinear equations

  using Newton's method.  Equations defined by function fnewt.


Enter the initial guess (row vector): [15 5]

Enter the parameter a: [10 10^-5 0.1 10 0.1]

Enter number of step to iterate:10

Enter name of your fnewt M file to be called:'nma_HW_4_20_part_a_fnewt'

After 10 iterations the root is

     0     0



» newtn


  newtn - Program to solve a system of nonlinear equations

  using Newton's method.  Equations defined by function fnewt.


Enter the initial guess (row vector): [150 500]

Enter the parameter a: [10 10^-5 0.1 10 0.1]

Enter number of step to iterate:20

Enter name of your fnewt M file to be called:'nma_HW_4_20_part_a_fnewt'

After 20 iterations the root is

  100.0000   99.9900




part (b)

» newtn


  newtn - Program to solve a system of nonlinear equations

  using Newton's method.  Equations defined by function fnewt.


Enter the initial guess (row vector): [10 10]

Enter the parameter a: [2 3]

Enter number of step to iterate:20

Enter name of your fnewt M file to be called:'nma_HW_4_20_part_b_fnewt'

After 20 iterations the root is

  1.0e+007 *


1.2599        1.4630



Notice singularity problem when I increased the number of iterations!

» newtn


  newtn - Program to solve a system of nonlinear equations

  using Newton's method.  Equations defined by function fnewt.


Enter the initial guess (row vector): [5 300]

Enter the parameter a: [2 3]

Enter number of step to iterate:30

Enter name of your fnewt M file to be called:'nma_HW_4_20_part_b_fnewt'

Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.

         Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 8.977978e-017.

> In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\newtn.m at line 25

Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.

         Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 2.260851e-017.

> In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\newtn.m at line 25

Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.

         Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 5.373634e-018.

> In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\newtn.m at line 25

Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.

         Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.248255e-018.

> In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\newtn.m at line 25

Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.

> In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\newtn.m at line 25

Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.

> In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\newtn.m at line 25

After 30 iterations the root is

  -Inf  -Inf





» newtn


  newtn - Program to solve a system of nonlinear equations

  using Newton's method.  Equations defined by function fnewt.


Enter the initial guess (row vector): [5 300]

Enter the parameter a: [2 3]

Enter number of step to iterate:10

Enter name of your fnewt M file to be called:'nma_HW_4_20_part_b_fnewt'

After 10 iterations the root is

  1.0e+005 *


    0.0717    5.7968





% newtn - Program to solve a system of nonlinear equations

% using Newton's method.  Equations defined by function fnewt.

clear all;  help newtn;  % Clear memory and print header


% Modified by Nasser Abbasi to allow one to enter the

% name of the fnewt M file to solve for both problems 4.20 part

% a and part b and to do the plots for two variables model

% instead of the 3 variables as lorenz model.


%* Set initial guess and parameters

x0      = input('Enter the initial guess (row vector): ');

x       = x0;  % Copy initial guess

xp(:,1) = x(:); % Record initial guess for plotting

a       = input('Enter the parameter a: ');

nStep   = input('Enter number of step to iterate:');


fnewt   = input('Enter name of your fnewt M file to be called:');


%* Loop over desired number of steps

for iStep=1:nStep


  %* Evaluate function f and its Jacobian matrix D

  [f D] = feval(fnewt,x,a);      % fnewt returns value of f and D

  %* Find dx by Gaussian elimination

  dx = f/D;

  %* Update the estimate for the root 

  x = x - dx;              % Newton iteration for new x

  xp(:,iStep+1) = x(:); % Save current estimate for plotting




%* Print the final estimate for the root

fprintf('After %g iterations the root is \n',nStep);




%do the plots






title('Iterations from initial guess to final estimate');

xlabel('iteration number');

ylabel('x( 1 ) value');

grid on;



grid on;

xlabel('iteration number');

ylabel('x( 2 ) value');




% plot x(1) against x(2)




title('X(1)  vs X(2)');







function [f,D] = nma_HW_4_20_part_b_fnewt(x,param)

%  Function used by the N-variable Newton's method

%  Inputs

%    x         State vector [x y]

%    param     Parameters [A B]

%  Outputs

%    f     Lorenz model r.h.s. [dx/dt dy/dt dz/dt]

%    D     Jacobian matrix, D(i,j) = df(j)/dx(i)


% Modified from original fnewtn to solve problem 4.18 part b.

% Nasser abbasi


% Evaluate f(i)

f(1) =  param(1)+ (x(1)^2) * x(2) - (param(2)-1) * x(1);

f(2) =  param(2)*x(1) - ((x(1)^2) * x(2) );


% Evaluate D(i,j)

D(1,1) = 2*x(1)*x(2) - param(2)-1;                   % df(1)/dx(1)

D(1,2) = param(2)-2*x(1)*x(2);                       % df(2)/dx(1)

D(2,1) = x(1)^2;                                     % df(1)/dx(2)

D(2,2) = -x(1)^2;                                     % df(2)/dx(2)




function [f,D] = nma_HW_4_20_part_a_fnewt(x,param)

%  Function used by the N-variable Newton's method

%  Inputs

%    x         State vector [x y]

%    param     Parameters [a b c d e]

%  Outputs

%    f     Lorenz model r.h.s. [dx/dt dy/dt dz/dt]

%    D     Jacobian matrix, D(i,j) = df(j)/dx(i)


% Modified from original fnewtn to solve problem 4.18 part a.

% Nasser abbasi


% Evaluate f(i)

f(1) = (param(1)- param(2)*x(1) - param(3)*x(2) ) * x(1);

f(2) = (-param(4) + param(5)*x(1)) * x(2);


% Evaluate D(i,j)

D(1,1) = param(1)- 2*param(2)*x(1)- param(3)*x(2);   % df(1)/dx(1)

D(1,2) = param(5)*x(2);                              % df(2)/dx(1)

D(2,1) = -param(3)*x(1);                             % df(1)/dx(2)

D(2,2) = -param(4)+param(5)*x(1);                    % df(2)/dx(2)

