HW 4.16

Nasser Abbasi


Problem: write a program than uses Netwton’s method to find the roots of functions. Test your program on the following cases

(a)    f(x)=sin(x); x1=1

(b)   f(x)=sin(X); x1=2

(c)    f(x)=x^10; x1=1

(d)   f(x)=tanh(x); x1=1

(e)    f(x)=tanh(x); x1=3

(f)     f(x)=ln(x); x1=3





» nma_HW_4_16


  program to solve problem 4.16 using newton method

  to find roots of some equations

  Nasser Abbasi, San Jose State Univ. Phys 240.


enter problem number to solve [a,b,c,d,e,f]:'a'

enter min difference between successive x values to halt root finding:0

iteration number 1, current x=1, sin(1)=0.841471

iteration number 2, current x=-0.557408, sin(-0.557408)=-0.528988

iteration number 3, current x=0.0659365, sin(0.0659365)=0.0658887

iteration number 4, current x=-9.57219e-005, sin(-9.57219e-005)=-9.57219e-005

iteration number 5, current x=2.92357e-013, sin(2.92357e-013)=2.92357e-013

iteration number 6, current x=0, sin(0)=0

After 6 iterations, x=0, sin(x)=0



» nma_HW_4_16

» nma_HW_4_16


  program to solve problem 4.16 using newton method

  to find roots of some equations

  Nasser Abbasi, San Jose State Univ. Phys 240.


enter problem number to solve [a,b,c,d,e,f]:'b'

enter min difference between successive x values to halt root finding:0

iteration number 1, current x=2, sin(2)=0.909297

iteration number 2, current x=4.18504, sin(4.18504)=-0.864144

iteration number 3, current x=2.46789, sin(2.46789)=0.623881

iteration number 4, current x=3.26619, sin(3.26619)=-0.124272

iteration number 5, current x=3.14094, sin(3.14094)=0.000648741

iteration number 6, current x=3.14159, sin(3.14159)=-9.10111e-011

iteration number 7, current x=3.14159, sin(3.14159)=1.22465e-016

iteration number 8, current x=3.14159, sin(3.14159)=1.22465e-016

After 8 iterations, x=3.14159, sin(x)=1.22465e-016



» nma_HW_4_16

» nma_HW_4_16


  program to solve problem 4.16 using newton method

  to find roots of some equations

  Nasser Abbasi, San Jose State Univ. Phys 240.


enter problem number to solve [a,b,c,d,e,f]:'c'

enter min difference between successive x values to halt root finding:0.001

iteration number 1, current x=1, f_partc(1)=1

iteration number 2, current x=0.9, f_partc(0.9)=0.348678

iteration number 3, current x=0.81, f_partc(0.81)=0.121577

iteration number 4, current x=0.729, f_partc(0.729)=0.0423912

…. Rest removed….

teration number 45, current x=0.00969774, f_partc(0.00969774)=7.35706e-021

iteration number 46, current x=0.00872796, f_partc(0.00872796)=2.56525e-021

After 46 iterations, x=0.00872796, f_partc(x)=2.56525e-021



» nma_HW_4_16

» nma_HW_4_16


  program to solve problem 4.16 using newton method

  to find roots of some equations

  Nasser Abbasi, San Jose State Univ. Phys 240.


enter problem number to solve [a,b,c,d,e,f]:'d'

enter min difference between successive x values to halt root finding:0

iteration number 1, current x=1, tanh(1)=0.761594

iteration number 2, current x=-0.81343, tanh(-0.81343)=-0.671478

iteration number 3, current x=0.409402, tanh(0.409402)=0.387965

iteration number 4, current x=-0.0473049, tanh(-0.0473049)=-0.0472697

iteration number 5, current x=7.06028e-005, tanh(7.06028e-005)=7.06028e-005

iteration number 6, current x=-2.34625e-013, tanh(-2.34625e-013)=-2.34625e-013

iteration number 7, current x=0, tanh(0)=0

After 7 iterations, x=0, tanh(x)=0




» nma_HW_4_16


  program to solve problem 4.16 using newton method

  to find roots of some equations

  Nasser Abbasi, San Jose State Univ. Phys 240.


enter problem number to solve [a,b,c,d,e,f]:'e'

enter min difference between successive x values to halt root finding:0

iteration number 1, current x=3, tanh(3)=0.995055

iteration number 2, current x=-97.8566, tanh(-97.8566)=-1

halting search for root since slop is 0iteration number 2, current x=-97.8566, tanh(-97.8566)=-1

After 2 iterations, x=-97.8566, tanh(x)=-1


» nma_HW_4_16


  program to solve problem 4.16 using newton method

  to find roots of some equations

  Nasser Abbasi, San Jose State Univ. Phys 240.


enter problem number to solve [a,b,c,d,e,f]:'f'

enter min difference between successive x values to halt root finding:0

iteration number 1, current x=3, log(3)=1.09861

iteration number 2, current x=-0.295837, log(-0.295837)=-1.21795

iteration number 3, current x=-0.656151, log(-0.656151)=-0.421365

iteration number 4, current x=-0.932629, log(-0.932629)=-0.0697473

iteration number 5, current x=-0.997678, log(-0.997678)=-0.00232485

iteration number 6, current x=-0.999997, log(-0.999997)=-2.69828e-006

iteration number 7, current x=-1, log(-1)=-3.64031e-012

iteration number 8, current x=-1, log(-1)=0

iteration number 9, current x=-1, log(-1)=0

Warning: Imaginary parts of complex X and/or Y arguments ignored.

> In C:\MATLABR11\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\fplot.m at line 139

  In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m (reportResult) at line 133

  In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m (findRoot) at line 113

  In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m at line 54

Warning: Imaginary parts of complex X and/or Y arguments ignored.

> In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m (reportResult) at line 144

  In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m (findRoot) at line 113

  In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m at line 54

Warning: Imaginary parts of complex X and/or Y arguments ignored.

> In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m (reportResult) at line 142

  In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m (findRoot) at line 113

  In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m at line 54

Warning: Imaginary parts of complex X and/or Y arguments ignored.

> In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m (reportResult) at line 144

  In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m (findRoot) at line 113

  In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW11\nma_hw_4_16.m at line 54

After 9 iterations, x=-1, log(x)=0




 function nma_HW_4_16()


% program to solve problem 4.16 using newton method

% to find roots of some equations

% Nasser Abbasi, San Jose State Univ. Phys 240.


clear all; help nma_hw_4_16;


part = input('enter problem number to solve [a,b,c,d,e,f]:');

tol  = input('min difference between successive x to halt root finding:');


% use matrix P to keep track of the x,y coordinates as

% we get close to the root, to plot at the end.

% P has 4 columns. at each guess we store into P the following:

% the x,y coordinates of the guess point on the x-axis and the

% x,y cooridnates of f(x).


switch part

   case 'a'

     % f(x)= sin(x), x1=1

     f  = 'sin';

     df = 'cos';

     initialGuess = 1;



   case 'b'

     f  = 'sin';

     df = 'cos';

     initialGuess = 2;



   case 'c'

     f   = 'f_partc';

     df  = 'df_partc';

     initialGuess = 1;



   case 'd'

       f  = 'tanh';

       df = 'df_partd';

       initialGuess = 1;



   case 'e'






   case 'f'








%function findRoot(f,df,x1)



function findRoot(f,df,initialGuess,tol)


% set some upper limit on number of interations




     i    = 1;

     x(i) = initialGuess;      

     k    = 1;


     % x,y coordinates of the initial guess

     P(k,1)= x(i); P(k,2)=0;  P(k,3)=x(i); P(k,4)=feval(f,x(i));


     y(i)     = feval(f,x(i));

     diffy(i) = feval(df,x(i));


     while( y(i) ~= 0 & i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS)

          fprintf('iteration number %d, current x=%g, %s(%g)=%g\n',...

                  i,x(i),f,x(i),feval(f,x(i)) );



          % check is slop is zero. If so, stop the search for the root.


          if( diffy(i) == 0 )

              fprintf('halting search for root since slop is 0');







          x(i) = x(i-1) - ( y(i-1) / diffy(i-1) );

          x(i) = real(x(i));  % keep the real part, in case it becomes complex.


          y(i)     = feval(f,x(i));

          diffy(i) = feval(df,x(i));



          % stop looking for a  root when successive x are within user supplied

          % tolerance


          if( abs(x(i) - x(i-1)) <= tol )




          k      = k+1;

          P(k,1) = x(i); P(k,2)=0; P(k,3)= x(i-1); P(k,4)= feval(f,x(i-1));

          k      = k+1;

          P(k,1) = x(i); P(k,2)=0; P(k,3)= x(i); P(k,4)= feval(f, x(i));



     fprintf('iteration number %d, current x=%g, %s(%g)=%g\n', ...

             i,x(i),f,x(i),feval(f,x(i)) );







% function reportResult(f,p)



function reportResult(f,P,x,y,tol)




     plot( [P(k,1) P(k,3)] , [P(k,2) P(k,4)],'r');

     hold on;

     [ROW,COL] =  size(P);

     xRange    = [min(P(:,1))-0.1  max(P(:,1))+0.1];


     if( isequal(f,'f_partc'))






     % draw xaxis line

     plot( [xRange(1) xRange(2)], [0 0],'-');


     % plot the first 4 iterations for illustations

     while( 1 )


         plot( [P(k,1) P(k,3)] , [P(k,2) P(k,4)],':');


         plot( [P(k,1) P(k,3)] , [P(k,2) P(k,4)],'r');

         if( k == ROW | k > 4)





     title(sprintf('Graphical presentation of newton root finding. f=%s, x1=%d',...




     legend('y=f(x) at each x',2);



     % plot iteration number i vs x_i





     fprintf('After %d iterations, x=%g, %s(x)=%g\n',...




     title(sprintf('value of successive x at each iteration. f=%s, x1=%d',…


     xlabel('iteration number');

     ylabel('x value');







% function f_partc()



function f=f_partc(x)




% function df_partc(x)



function df=df_partc(x)




%function df=df_partd



function df=df_partd(x)




%function df=df_partf



function df=df_partf(x)
