my octave cheat sheet

Nasser M. Abbasi

January 28, 2024   Compiled on January 28, 2024 at 4:46am

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Octave
  2. http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/
  3. http://octave.sourceforge.net/index.html

2 How to install octave?

For windows, to install octave 3.8, I downloaded the installer from http://octave.osuv.de/3.8/windows/

>> ver 
GNU Octave Version 3.8.0 
GNU Octave License: GNU General Public License 
Operating System: MINGW32_NT-6.1 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 i686

For Linux, easy way is apt-get install octave

might want to do apt-get autoremove before.

3 How to install additional packages?

On octave 3.8, I found an install file called build_packages.m in the folder C:\Octave\Octave-3.8.0\src which is where octave 3.8 was installed using the window installer mentioned above.

Then from octave I simply run the above file. This installed all packages in the src folder


An example command is pkg ('install', 'communications-1.2.0.tar.gz')

After the above was completed, here is the list

>> pkg list 
Package Name         | Version | Installation directory 
          actuarial *|   1.1.0 | ...\octave\packages\actuarial-1.1.0 
     communications  |   1.2.0 | ...\octave\packages\communications-1.2.0 
            control *|   2.6.1 | ...\share\octave\packages\control-2.6.1 
     data-smoothing  |   1.3.0 | ...\octave\packages\data-smoothing-1.3.0 
fuzzy-logic-toolkit  |   0.4.2 | ...\packages\fuzzy-logic-toolkit-0.4.2 
            general  |   1.3.2 | ...\share\octave\packages\general-1.3.2 
           geometry  |   1.7.0 | ...\share\octave\packages\geometry-1.7.0 
              image  |   2.2.0 | ...\share\octave\packages\image-2.2.0 
                 io  |   1.2.0 | ...\share\octave\packages\io-1.2.0 
     linear-algebra  |   2.2.0 | ...\octave\packages\linear-algebra-2.2.0 
      miscellaneous  |   1.2.0 | ...\octave\packages\miscellaneous-1.2.0 
             odepkg  |   0.8.4 | ...\share\octave\packages\odepkg-0.8.4 
              optim  |   1.2.2 | ...\share\octave\packages\optim-1.2.2 
         quaternion *|   2.2.0 | ...\octave\packages\quaternion-2.2.0 
             signal  |   1.2.2 | ...\share\octave\packages\signal-1.2.2 
            sockets  |   1.0.8 | ...\share\octave\packages\sockets-1.0.8 
            specfun  |   1.1.0 | ...\share\octave\packages\specfun-1.1.0 
             struct  |  1.0.10 | ...\share\octave\packages\struct-1.0.10 
            windows  |   1.2.1 | ...\share\octave\packages\windows-1.2.1 
             zenity  |   0.5.7 | ...\share\octave\packages\zenity-0.5.7 

Before I used to do this:

go to http://octave.sourceforge.net/index.html find a package you need then type pkg install package_file_name.tar.gz from inside octave

see also this link


4 How to find what packages are installed?

use pkg list